Things i hate

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1. When my parents brag about me
I hate this because omg they set such high expectations for me and make me sound like the best kid in the world. "Sarah plays blah blah she blah blah blah and blah blah bla blah" STop

2. When people are proud of things that aren't good
"I almost died I'm so cool haha"

2. Spicy and sour foods
I can't lol

3. Parents who's children control them
I know a person like this and it's so terrible, the kid does whatever they want, has terrible grades and the parents baby him and follow his commands.

4. Anime girls
90% of these bitches are super stereotyped, sexualized and annoying as hell. I mean it's so annoying that their unoriginal, basically there for show and have no effect to the plot. (Not all but most)

5. People who hate things they haven't even tried
You haven't even tried that (insert) you can't hate it [unless it's clothing]

( going to add more later )

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