My thoughts

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Everyone knows that the world is not perfect and neither is anyone in it. A world of peace is a world we all wish to live in, but is that world perfect? We cannot have love if we've never hated or disliked. We cannot have peace if we've never had war. There can never be a world of peace, a world that is perfect. It is in the human nature to feel guilt, sadness, happiness, pain and the seven sins. In this world it is the selfishness and ignorance of other that I deeply despise.  People killing others because of religion, people ignoring all the terrible things they are doing to their world simply because it doesn't affect them directly. I cannot deny that I'm part of that group, I've complained about it, but  took no action. Is it too late for change? Maybe, maybe not. I take no action in this because I believe no matter what we do people won't do anything until something big happens. Every day more and more people are born, more pollution is released into our ocean and air. Soon  our ignorance will have consequences. As the years go by we only get greedier. Honestly I pity the future generations having to be born into such a terrible world which isn't even fair because they haven't done anything wrong. Lol I was bored

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