North Carolina

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Story time with me
Last year I went on a road trip to North Carolina on winter break. The morning of the start of the trip we had to wake up really early and start driving. I was super tired and like didn't even care at that point for what I was wearing (mlp shirt a pair of purple fluffy pants with penguins also some slippers) so I just got into the car with my luggage and pillow and slept for about an hour.
We then passed by McDonald's and got some food for breakfast and then some more hours passed which I used by just reading fanfics and texting (shh I used a lot of data and my parents didn't know). For lunch I assumed we were going to eat at another fast food restaurant until we got to our hotel so I decided to stay in my pjs. I was wrong we were going to get off and eat at this restaurant and I was in my pjs and it was so embarrassing like I didn't even have real shoes on.
My parents started talking Spanish and all these people were staring at us but whatever il never see them again.

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