Ch. 5

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Mal and Evie were dressed as maids. Evie had French braided Mal's short hair to the best of her ability then tied it into a bun before putting the maid cap on top. Mal used magic, since she didn't know how to do it by hand, to tie Evie's hair up then set the cap on top. Now their purple and blue hair was concealed by the caps that had fake hair attached. They had hot glued two wigs, blonde and brunette, to the caps and given them to the girls so they wouldn't look quite so weird. Jay and Carlos we're going in as guards while Ben and Doug would accompany Mal and Evie as servants. The puppies had been locked in Carlos's bedroom for safety so they were all ready to go.

"Let's move." Jay said. They all enter the castle at different entrances then split off into pairs. Jay and Carlos, Evie and Doug, then Mal and Ben. Ben lead the way to his parents room and jiggled the door handle. It was locked.

"They're in there. Maleficent must have locked them in." Ben said. He tried to force the door open but couldn't. Mal held him back, looked down the halls then used her magic to open the door. They walked in but didn't see anyone. All of a sudden, a trap came out of no where and caged the two. Evil Queen came running in, hoping to spots two descendants but was disappointed when it was just a servant and maid.

"Oh! You forgot my tea." she said.

"Of course, ma'am. Sorry." Mal said, keeping her head down. There was no doubt about Evil Queen recognizing her if they made eye contact. Evil Queen got the cage off them but Ben accidentally made eye contact with her, instantly being recognized.

"You!" she shrieked. Ben grabbed Mal's hand and they raced out of the room. Evil Queen rang for the villains to come and get Ben and Mal but they were already back at the school in Jay and Carlos's room, waiting for the others to return. Meanwhile, Evie and Doug were standing silently beside Maleficent, acting as her servant and maid. She talked to Jafar while they both kept their heads down.

"I want the proclamation to be sent out. All heroes of Auradon will be banished to the Isle. Their descendants will be left to us to control. They'll be used for slave work and serving us. Even the children we had but they betrayed us so they'll have the worst workload." Maleficent said. Evie gasped and hoped she hadn't been heard but she had.

"What was that?" Jafar asked, as he and Maleficent looked at the two.

"We are just waiting at your command." Doug answered.

"Well, I would love some black coffee." Maleficent said.

"And I'll have a biscuit." Jafar replied. Evie and Doug took off out of the room then went to Jay and Carlos's room to tell everyone what they had learned. Jay and Carlos hadn't learned anything, but when Evie and Doug explained what they learned, they decided it was time to make a plan for taking action and the first thing they needed to do was locate Beast and Belle wherever they had been trapped in the castle. But before that, sleep had to come first.

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