Ch. 9

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After deciding they didn't have much other choice, Mal, Ben, Evie, and Jane decided they had the upper with attacking and that's just what they had to do. So they ran into the room and appeared in front of the villains.

"Oh look, it's our children who betrayed us." Maleficent said to Evil Queen.

"Go back to the Isle and leave Auradon alone or we'll destroy you. Again." Mal told her.

"I'm so scared." Evil Queen said, not really meaning it. Ben went full Beast, Jane pulled out her wand, and Mal and Evie swirling their fingers to access their magic. Although they wouldn't admit it, Jafar and Evil Queen were now a little worried. Maleficent had a tiny bit of fear, after all, they had taken her down once and that was when only Mal had magic. Maleficent turned on her scepter and looked to the children. Ben and Mal took on Maleficent while Evie had Jafar, not wanting to destroy her mom, and Jane had Evil Queen. Jane was struggling with Evil Queen but Mal had Maleficent under control. So Ben went over to help Jane. However, the reason Mal had Maleficent under control was because she was letting her daughter win. She was waiting for Ben to leave so she could take Mal. As soon as his focus was on Evil Queen, Maleficent hit Mal so hard with magic she flew back and hit the wall. Maleficent walked over, looking as if she was floating, and glared down at Mal.

"You have ruined me. I put my legacy in your hands and you destroyed it by turning good." Maleficent said. As she said this the pups came in and ran to Mal's aid. They ran and all 105 of them jumped on Maleficent to knock her down. She fell and let go of her staff which is where all her power comes from. Mal quickly got up and grabbed the staff so her mother couldn't. When Maleficent got up, she realized she didn't have the staff by her side. She looked at Mal, with fear now in her eyes.

"Scared now, mother?" Mal questioned as she snapped the staff, along with the dragons eye, in half. Maleficent was stunned. Her weapon, the most powerful thing in the world was destroyed.

"Um....N-No." she stuttered, trying to figure out what to do now with out her staff.

"Now, you and the other villains, go back to the Isle and leave Auradon forever!" Mal commanded, looking straight at her mother who is trying to figure a way not to be defeated.

"Never!" Maleficent declared, about to turn into the dragon she is. Until Dude, Paisley, and their pups catapulted a boulder, as big as a tourney ball, that hit Maleficent square in the head, er horns, knocking her out cold as she landed on the floor. Dude, Paisley, and the pups barked in glee, as they have defeated yet another villain.

"Good job you, pups!" Mal exclaimed, as the pups ran over to her along with Dude and Paisley.

"Little help over here!" Ben grunted, having some trouble dealing with Evil Queen and Jafar. Jafar came over to help Evil Queen a little while before Maleficent was knocked out.

"Are you guys willing to help?" Mal asked, looking at Dude, Paisley, their pups, and all 101 dalmatians. All of them barked in agreement and ran to Ben, Jane, and Evie's aid. All the pups jumped on the villains while Ben, Jane, Mal, and Evie put them in restraints. All the villains were defeated by the 105 pups and four magical teenagers, then were returned to the Isle with minor injuries. All the villains were furious with the descendants but they couldn't get revenge since Ben sent guards to fix the dome and make sure no magic got in the dome.

"Well, we've had an eventful few days, haven't we?" Ben said, sitting on the couch in Carlos and Jay's room with his arm around Mal, who had her head on Ben's shoulder.

"Yes, we have. At least it's all over now." Carlos stated, trying to wash the paint off of Sophia and Harley while Jay is trying to wash it off of Copper and Coal, who weren't wanting to cooperate.

"Good thing, too or it would have been a serious problem!" exclaimed Doug, who is sitting next to Evie with his arm around her, while Evie had her head on his chest, smiling like an idiot. While they all had this conversation, so were the pups, who aren't loving their bath.

"Let me go, this is too wet!" Coal barked. Copper also agreed, wanting out of the bath. Sophia and Harley just look at each other as if saying their brothers were idiots.

"Why are we the only smart siblings?" Harley questioned, while snickering at her idiotic brothers.

"I think we just got all the common sense." Sophia stated.

"You know we can hear you!" Copper growled, trying to wiggle out of Jay's grasp.

"We know!" their sisters laughed.

"It's not that bad, pups." Paisley said, while trying to calm down her sons.

"You should listen to your mother, boys. She's right." Dude agreed. After awhile their baths were done and they were dried off. They were playing on the play set Carlos got them, having the time of their lives, at least that's what they thought. They didn't know what the future held for them, even Mal, Ben, and their friends didn't know what was next but, we do. They won't know, they will just live their lives how they want until the time comes and with that this is...

for now anyways......

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