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The pups were making a plan, with the help of their parents and dalmatians. The plan was to trap Cruella in something that could not be broken or opened so they thought a cage should do it.

"Ok we just need to tie her up in ropes then to be safe a chain. We'll lock her in a cage with nothing in there." Harley explained, being smart about when doing this to make sure she doesn't get out.

"Good plan sissy!" Coal said, not quiet sure how they are going to do this without thumbs.

"Good thing I brought ropes, chains, and locks!" Dude said, being prepared like always.

"Why did you bring that stuff when you didn't know the plan?" Pongo questioned. 

"You always have to be prepared, or something might happen." Paisley answered.  

"Well, let's go before we are caught!" Purdy barked, not wanting to be trapped again. They all ran to Cruella's room, disgusted by all the fur coats they see. While Pongo and Dude had the rope in their mouths, they ran at Cruella, who is at her vanity brushing her hair, and ran around her feet. They somehow went unnoticed by Cruella, who is talking to herself like a loon. They somehow tied the rope and ran back to their pups, waiting for her to stand up. After a while Cruella stood up and tried to walk but, fell and hit her head, knocking her out.

"Well that was easier than planned." Sophia said, wondering how this loon managed to hit her head. Harley and Sophia grabbed a rope and tied her hands tightly together, while Coal and Copper managed to chain her legs together with some help from the dalmatians. They gaged her so she wouldn't yell and chained her hands together as well. They all helped lift her up and throw her into a cage and somehow chained her to the wall and floor. When Cruella woke up the pups were locking the cage, barking with glee, while she growled in annoyance.

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