Chapter 1

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If you read my last post you don't even need to worry about it anymore, because guess what. I did it. I finished the chapter.

And here you go.


P.S the image is Kota


There was going to be a storm tonight, probably a big one.

It had been a few weeks since our move to Charleston and just like I had thought she would my mother had 'lost' most of my boxes in the move. I still had my essentials but most of my books and music had been in the boxes left behind.

My room had been fully unpacked by the second day, but Marie didn't seem to have done much at all. I know there are still half-a-dozen boxes of hers alone still unpacked in the garage, I think I saw our old bikes in there as well but I hadn't had time yet to go digging and get them out.

I had successfully ordered my closet with the clothes I have, skirts and blouses I know Marie won't want and which will cover my bruised back and sides. In the back of the closet was a small hidden box I used to hide things I loved most, I pulled my c-d player out along with a c-d which I had burned all my favorite music onto, leaving everything else I had from younger days hidden from prying eyes.

Waiting for night to come I stayed in my room, hidden in an old attic space I had found reading. Only once I was sure everyone else in the house was asleep did I break cover and go back out into my room swooping up the bag I had hidden behind my bedframe. I slowly made my way across the floor, wincing at every creak of the wood, to the window. Sliding up the gauze frame I looked around.

There was a light on in the next-door-neighbors garage and over the pounding of rain I could just make out a male voice speaking, but even if this man saw me it wouldn't ruin my plan. Just until school started I had to get away. It wasn't long. Just until school started.

I crawled out my window making my way to the edge of the roof and I was instantly soaked through to the bone, even through my oversized poncho I could feel the freezing temperature of the rain.

I was right about there being a storm.

I started walking to the street, there was an old abandoned house on the end of the street I wanted to stay at. I know it's risky but even after a few years with no practice I'm pretty sure I can still defend myself.

I calmly listened to the rain as I walked, I know there is no sense in getting nervous now because there is no chance I would be able to get back into the house without getting found out. An odd noise coming from behind me shook me out of my thoughts, it almost sounded like steps.

Turning I just caught the sight of a huge dog running towards me before I was knocked to the ground, putting my arm out to protect the rest of my body from the fall I felt a sharp slash of pain as something ripped through my skin.

The dog barked in my face before its huge tongue came towards me slobbering all over my now bleeding arm. It wasn't a bad cut, I could tell, it just looked bad. I would be good as new in a few days.

"Hey!" The shout shouldn't have shocked me, I knew this dog must have been with someone. "Are you okay?".

The sound of footsteps approached and I wriggled and squirmed trying to get out from underneath it to get away, I can't be found out.

"I'm sorry, " the voice continued, the person speaking was much closer now I had no chance of escape. "Max, get off of her."

In the shadow of the street I can't see the speaker well, just a huge silhouette coming towards me. Since he wasn't screaming at me, I assumed he must be okay and unsuccessfully tried to calm my racing heart.

The guy knelt down by my side, slowly lifting my shoulders into a seated position.

"Are you hurt?" His voice was strong and masculine.

"I'm okay." I force out through clenched teeth, the force of the fall had shocked me for a bit and only now had I really started to feel the pain. "It's fine."

"No it's not, you scraped your arm." His voice became more forceful before softening again as he prepared to lift me to my feet. "You can stand, right?"

Truly I wasn't sure, I can feel a new bruise forming on my side and the many grazes along my legs but I don't want this stranger to carry me.

"I think so."

He pulled me up next to him so that we were standing side by side, I could feel the heat coming off of him and the muscles under his drenched shirt. I thought he would leave then but hearing his voice once again shocked me.

"I'm going to take you to my house."

I suddenly realized how much taller than me he was, I could see the light reflecting off a pair of glasses at least a head above mine.

He walked a couple of steps to pick up my book bag from where it had fallen, grunting at the felt the weight of it.

"Let me take it."


He slung the bag over his shoulder coming back to stand next to me. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder he began guiding me up the street back from the direction I had come.

"Let's get out of this rain. We'll asses the damage inside."

"What about your dog."

I warily watch the huge dog dancing around us.

"He'll follow."

I let him lead me up past my house to the one next door where I had heard a voice earlier, it must have been him I had heard.

Memories assaulted me as we got closer to the door.

I can only hope I can trust him more than I have trusted others.

I can only hope he won't betray me.

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