Chapter 2

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I'm actually pretty happy with how this chapter turned out. Hope you enjoy.



His house was a one-story, old ranch-style home with a room hanging over the two door garage. There were two cars I could see, one in the open garage and another parked out on the street it's driver-side door open.

Could I be wrong and the man hadn't actually come from the garage? In that case whose voice had I heard?

I stared freezing up at the thought of there being another man in there waiting to get a jump in me as I walked in.

The man beside me didn't seem to notice my distress as he continued walking smoothly.

A light flickered automatically as we entered the garage together, I couldn't hear anything other than myself and the man beside me but that didn't mean there was no-one there.

The dog followed us and in the light I could finally identify what breed it was. The giant Golden Retriever sat by a crate on the wall, his tail wagging excitedly, I could smell his wet fur the musty smell making my nose itch.

"Not now." He just waved his hand and the dog sunk onto the floor his huge eyes looking up at us sadly.

"Come on." He grabbed me by my uninjured arm and started dragging me inside. I stumbled along as he pulled me through a short hallway, the darkness making it difficult for me to see my feet. I could see a dining room past the end of the hallway, but before getting there he turned through a door to the left and started pulling me up a stairwell.

I followed him to the top finding myself in a bedroom, through a door to the left I could see the tiled floor of a bathroom, another door next to it was closed. I guessed that led to a walk-in wardrobe. There were windows in front of me facing onto the driveway and past that onto the road in front of the house.

Maybe if I could get one of those widows open...

There was a bed pushed up against the wall to the right, leaving a huge amount of space in the middle of the room. Just like that all my mothers warnings came back to me in a flash. But I had to get over this, this was why I had to get away.

I know my mothers view on the world isn't normal, I just have to prove it to myself.

The man walked across the room to a desk and bookshelf in the corner which I had previously missed, he tapped a small lamp on the desk a couple of times and its light slowly became more intense lighting up the entire room.

He turned back to me and I got my first good look at him, his wide black-rimmed glasses were slightly fogged up and covered in little drops of rain. He had high cheekbones and light brown hair sticking slightly to his ears.

I realized I was wrong all this time calling him a man, he appeared only a year or two older than me.

If my sister had seen him she would call him a nerd right off looking at his Nike poncho and brand new converse shoes, she wouldn't see his muscular build and confident stance, only his fair skin and thin eyebrows. The thing I noticed most though was his smile, full and kind it warmed me instantly.

When I realized I was staring I looked down and blushed, what would he see looking at me? Just an average girl, my drenched hair half falling out of my clip and sticking to me neck, my small nose turned red from the chill and dark green eyes bloodshot with heavy bags underneath?

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