Chapter 4 (Part 2)

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Silas appeared from around the stacks, his arms were held against his body tightly and I could see the tension in his face as he looked at Kota questioningly.

"I'm pretty sure they're gone."

"Good, the last thing we need right now is an altercation."

Silas just nodded, not relaxing his stance.

"Where'd Vic go?"

"We'll get him, meet you in the front."

As Silas headed back towards the front of the shop I look towards Kota questioningly.

"He doesn't care for bookstores, the lanes are narrow and he hates bumping into them."

I can't imagine Silas being clumsy enough to walk into the walls here, but I just smiled accepting Kota's explanation.

It turned out we didn't even have to go searching for Victor, we found him at the counter just as the lady serving was handing him a plastic bag.

"What'd you get?"

I was genuinely curious as he turned to me smiling.

"Just some sheet music."

"He plays piano."

Victor scowled at Kota's interruption, narrowing his eyes in his direction.

"I was going to tell her."


Victor snorted at Kota's apology before I butted in trying to lighten the mood.

"It's okay, I'm jealous. It'd be neat to learn to play, I had a friend who taught me a little when I was younger but that's it."

"Why haven't you?"

"Never had my own piano to fiddle with."

My father was rich enough but he didn't believe in spending money on me and Marie.

There was a look exchanged between Victor and Kota but I shrugged it off and we left the bookstore to find Silas and continue looking around.

Walking between Silas and Victor quickly became awkward as my arms continued to sink into my shoulders as I tried to avoid contact with them.

I could smell the food court before I saw it. It was the smell of oil and salt, a delicious and disgusting mix.

I heard Silas' stomach grumble and I laughed as his face went pink, I wasn't the only one laughing either as Victor clutched at my arm to stop himself from falling.

"I think it's time for some lunch."

Silas' sheepish smile was cute enough to make me blush as the others began debating what they wanted to eat.

"How about sushi? Do you like fish Sang?"

"No fish, not after last time."

Kota was quick to shut down Victor's suggestion as he continued to look around.

"I wasn't going to take her there. Sang, what do you want?"

"I don't have any money guys, there's no way I could pay you back. You all pick something you like, I'm still kind of full from breakfast anyway."

That's a lie, I'm all but drooling at the smells surrounding us.

"You're getting something. Besides Victor's paying, it's his turn."

"I still can't pay you back though."

"You're getting something."

Kota's voice is strong as he looks me square in the eye. Victor winks over his shoulder.

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