Chapter 8: Pondering Pondering

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Shhh. I know I know, one month turned into almost half a year, that's what happens when you don't motivate your senpai minna :(

Anyway, here's a tumblr pic :P

This one's back at fairytail
~Ash's POV~

hmm so Clemont is going to be like Laxus, Makarov's grandson. A thunder dragon slayer. I wanted to use some kind of electric magic so I can be like pikachu but then Clemont might think I'm imitating him....

I'll go around the guild see what everyone thinks I should be then!!! Maybe I'll ask Lisanna!

*Goes to the bar where Lisanna is tending*

"Yo, Lis!" I say as I sit down at the bar.
"Hey Ash!" She beams at me," Want a milk shake?" She winks playfully.
*My stomach grumles*
"And some cookies perhaps?" She giggles and Pikachu climbs up and sits on the counter "Pika pikaa"

I pat him with a weak smile and he looks to me with worry
"Don't worry Pikachu! I'm sure I'll be able to find a magic that suits me."

"Hey Ash!" I hear a voice from behind, I turn to look and it's Clemont!

"Hey Clemont, what's up?"

"I heard you were still unsure about which magic you're going to practice"

"Yeah... To be honest, I want to learn something that suits me and can impress Serena..." I blush after I realised what I just said

Clemont blushes too and stutters "You-u Like Sere-na too?? "..."Ahem" "I mean she is beautiful...."

I look at Clemont then smile "Then may the best man win!"

He smiles determinedly "Yeah!"

"So, Clemont. If you're an electric dragon slayer... What did the others choose?"

"Bonnie will use wind magic, And Serena is talking to Gramps about what she chose, she told Bonnie she'll leave it as a surprise.. Oh. Hi Lisanna!"

"Hi Clemont! I figured you came here too so I made you a milkshake like Ash's and some more cookies" She smiles

"Woah! Thanks Lisanna! They are awesome!" I say enthusiastically

"Anytime guys!" She smiles

"Say Lisanna.." I say

"Yes, Ash."

"Which magic do you use?"

"I use shape shifting, look!" *she turns into Pikachu*

"Woah!!" Clemont and I say in a unison

"You look exactly like pikachu!" Clemont said

"I bet you can't use thunderbolt like pikachu!" I taunt her

"Oh yeah??" She says, then uses thunderbolt at one of the guild members across the room.

"LISANNA!" He shouts at her

she turns back into her normal forme then giggles "Sorry Bixlow!"

"Say Lisanna.." He comes and sits beside us "Who are your friends over here?" He pats and plays with Pikachu.

"This is Ash, Clemont and Pikachu."

"So you're the ones who came from the magic portal!"He says

"Yeah!" Clemont and I say

"Wonder what might have caused it?"

Celmont says "We don't know but Absol is researching that with Gramps."

"Oh, Hope we get you guys home safely, but till then.. Make yourselves at home!"

I glance at Lisanna and see her cheeks tinted in pink and figured those two might have something going on.. I look at Clemont and he smirks back understanding my look and says "So are you two married? " Clemont asks innocently

Their faces flush to a deep red and shake their heads in denial then Evergreen calls Bixlow so he excuses himself away.

After Clemont and I finish eating we go search for Elfman to ask for his advice.

~Serena's POV~
*Is with Makarov and Absol in Makarov's office*

"So what do you suggest gramps?" I ask politely

"As I said before, You have huge magic energy embedded within you. There's someone I want you two to meet. But this a matter of high secrecy"

Absol and I gulp unsure of who will we meet.

Absol comes close to me and hugs me from behind and smiles. I look up to her and smile back.

A light came in from the window like a beam and shone with pink and light blue highlights. as the light faded a silhouette formed of a short girl.

"Serena, Absol, meet---"

To be continued ;)

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