0.13|when interrupting a moment|

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0.13|from Sabah's tape recorder: when interrupting a moment|

When the crowd diminished I told the two youngsters to sit down while I made them some coffee. They protested, of course, but I was firm. I couldn't bear to watch Auburn control herself from speaking of Anthony's secret. They needed to talk so I gave them an opportunity to.

As I made coffee and thought of their protestations I couldn't help but smile. Somewhere along the line, the three of us had transformed from the 'old café owner and two customers' to a mismatched group of friends.

When the Carlotta Special was done, I lingered near the counters trying to act as if looking for sugar cubes but actually to eavesdrop. Sabah, stop laughing. It was a serious moment, okay? You're making me laugh now. Please.

"So," Auburn was saying, her violet-blue eyes sparkling with laughter.

Anthony smiled back cheerfully, "So..."

These two were so slow, dammit.

"You're a footballer," Auburn blurted.

Wow, way to approach the topic, Auburn.

Anthony was taken aback. He looked away, fingers nervously drumming the table. He took a deep breath and said a shaky, "Yeah."

He looked back at her, his grey eyes holding her gaze. That was the day both Auburn and I realized that we were wrong. His eyes weren't really grey. They were a different shade. We had trouble defining the colour. It took us days, cups of coffee and a few hundred conversations to zero in on a colour called Prussian blue and even that wasn't close to how beautiful his eyes were. How they contrasted with his pale skin, pink cheeks and blonde hair.

"Sorry...I-I was going to...But we never...got around to talking about it..."

"Oh my God! That is so cool," Auburn exclaimed. "Where you on the German team that won the World Cup last year?"

I don't know what he had been expecting but he was shocked by Auburn's excited reply. It took him a few seconds to understand what she had said after which he nodded, "Yeah. I was a sub most of the time but I played in the semis and final."

"Congratulations!" Auburn sounded so proud and excited. Like all her actions, expressions and words, her pride and excitement were infectious too.

She was carrying on now, "When did you join Real Madrid? I do see a match now and then but I haven't seen you."

"I just joined around the first time I came here. So, its only been practices for me but I have my first match next week," he was easing now. He liked talking about himself too with Auburn and he was just realizing it now.

"That is amazing! I know you'll score a goal. Wait," she looked thoughtful, "you aren't a goalkeeper, are you? Then, I know you'll stop all the goals."

He was laughing now, "You really don't watch Bundesliga, huh? I'm a midfielder."

"Sorry," Auburn looked sheepish. "I'm a ManU girl so it's the English League for me. Man, did I cry when Cristiano left for Real? Oh my God, how does it feel to see him from up close? Oh, of course, it doesn't feel anything to you because you're a footballer too. I would pass out if I saw him close up, let alone play with him. You should definitely teach me how to play like a pro."

Anthony was having a hard time following the fast, excited English of Auburn's. "Sure...?"

Auburn gave an excited squeal.

"But you have to be a madridista first," he smirked. "After all, your friend is playing for Real Madrid. Time you admitted you love the best team in the world." He really liked the team, it was evident from his tone.

She smirked, "I'll think about it but since my best friend is now a player for the team, I guess I'm supposed to support them?"

"That's right," he said it lightly but I totally knew his heart was overjoyed to have been called her best friend. They were such kids, both of them. That was the best thing about them. Young, silly and free. "How did you come to know about me?"

"About your Hannah Montana act? Carlotta did. She saw you in this poster," she took out the folded paper from her pocket.

"What is Hannah Montana?" he asked, reaching for the poster.

Exactly my question, Anthony. I later came to know she is some huge singer who lead double lives in a tv show and twerks, twerk meaning shaking your ass or something weird.

However, Auburn never got around to answering him because as he reached for the poster, for the fraction of a second, their fingers met. Time stopped for Auburn Ivy and Anthony Kroff and fate forced them to look at each other, eyes met eyes and dropped to lips, cheeks flared up and-

"Its Loca Bar's match screening poster. They put them up everywhere on the street before a big match. I wonder if I can sue them for bribing children to put them on my windows."

[OHMYGAWD #aubonyyyyy

carlotta, that was the wrong moment to speak, okay? gahhh. please, please comment and let me know what you thought of this chapter. hope you liked it and don't forget to vote.

Bundesliga: german football league

Madridista: a fan of real madrid

Midfielder: players between strikers/forwards and defenders in a football match, responsible for setting up goals/passing/defending.

ManU: Manchester United

Cristiano: my future husband. currently plays for Real Madrid and used to play for ManU before that.

i'm late for college now, gtg byeee

ilyall <3

oh and here's some pizza and garlic bread for you all *hands over virtual food*]

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