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Mickeys POV

I woke up in the guestroom at the Neals. I can't belive what I did the night before. I almost killed Rhett and Link, and propably traumatized  everyone for life. But there weren't a whole lot to do about it now. I sat up, I knew I shouldn't have accepted to stay here. I noticed the fact that I still was in my clothes, and they were still very broken. Someone knocked on my door. I opened, Lily stood outside. She hugged me.

" Are you okay?" She asked.

I smiled.

" Yeah, I'm good."

Lily smiled too.

" Mom wanted me to tell you it's breakfast. "

" What time is it? "

" Almost nine. " She said.

I followed her down the stairs and to the kitchen. Cristy was talking to Link, and Rhett and Jessie sat at the other end of the table.

Links POV

Mickey wasn't herself, and not because of the monster. She barely ate anything. There was something else that was wrong. After breakfast I asked her to talk to me and Rhett in the living room.

" Mickey? What happened last night? " I asked.

Mickey sniffed.

" I don't think you would believe me. "

Rhett looked suprised at me.

" We'll believe you. After what we've seen, we will trust you. " Rhett said.

She took a deep breath and started to explain.

" Okay, I'm a werewolf. It's true. And just like the movies say, moonlight that hit me, turns me. But it can only happen like once a month. And I know I should have told you, but I didn't know if you would believe me. And now, I almost killed you both. And I scared your families for life. "

Both Rhett and I dropped our jaws.

" Mickey, I...I " Rhett began.

" No. No need to say anything. " Mickey interuppted.

" Just asking. Is there any risk of being hurt around you? Or you hurting yourself? " I asked.

Mickey smiled a little.

" Don't worry, I know how to control myself. But if I'm not at home late at night, once an month, for like two to three days, you'll know why. " She said.

" Did you choose to live like this? " Rhett asked.

" No, it was an accident. It wasn't suppose to happen. "

Rhett put his hand on her shoulder.

" Tell us, we promise we'll believe you. " He said.

" Okay, so. I was born as a human, but both my mom and I got struck by lightning the moment I was born. None of us got hurt, but something happen. We didn't start noticing before I was 10. When I transformed for the first time. I was so scared, I ran into the forest and got lost. My mom blamed herself and left. I haven't meet her in person since then, but I've gotten a few letters. I live with my dad, and that's pretty much it. " She said.

Mickey didn't look as sad anymore, she didn't cry. She looked so calm. She hugged both me and Rhett. And then Cristy and Jessie came into the room.

" We heard it, and Mickey. Why didn't you say anything? " Jessie said.

" I honestly do not know. I guess there was a feeling of insecurity. " She said.

They both hugged her and smiled. I could see that Cristy was touched. And to be honest, so was I.

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