Crashing down

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Mickeys POV

I kept running for all I had. I had let Jessie down, I promised her she would lose us. And now I was running away from them. From her. But, I'd rather run away then hurting her, or the others for that matter. I started running out of breath, and slowed down. The moon glowed in the sky, it's wasn't actually blue, but it glowed more than usually. My eyes burned like if they were on fire. I couldn't take it and started to scream. I didn't want to scream, Rhett and Link would try to find me if I did. I fell down on my knees and kept screaming. The pain was many times worse than turning into a werewolf. My scream got louder, and louder. I couldn't control it, my throat was killing me, but I couldn't stop screaming. I couldn't hear anything except myself, every part of my body was hurting. My eyes, my throat, my ears, my whole body was in tremendous pain. I felt like I was about to die, it was that painful...

Rhetts POV

I shouted to Jessie

" I don't want to hurt you, I have to leave! "

Link shouted something similar to Cristy. We ran for all we had, Link threw his glasses away. The landed a few feet away and broke into tiny pieces. He didn't seem to care and just kept on running.

" I can't see, but I don't care! " He shouted.

We heard a loud noise comming from behind my house. I knew I'd heard that noise before, but I couldn't quite place it. Then I realized it was Mickey. I wanted to run to her, but at the same I didn't. What if I hurt her again? What if she was dying? I kept running until I realized Link wasn't by my side anymore.

" Link! Where are you?! " I shouted.

" Rhett! Run, I'll be okay. I don't want to hurt you! Run! " He shouted back, I couldn't see him, he was too far away.

I ran the opposite direction, it was the only option to save my friends and family...

Links POV

I'd left Rhett, in hope of saving him from myself. I heard a loud noise from far away, I recognized it immediately. Mickeys scream. After a couple of seconds I heard another scream, I recognized it too, that scream was made by Rhett. I looked up at the sky, seeing the moon glowing. It wasn't blue, but I'd never seen such a glowing moon. At that very moment my felt like there were about to explode. I put my hands tightly against them, trying to ease the pain. There was no way out of this, the moonlight struck me and the pain got even worse and spread through out my body. I started screaming in pain and I stopped hearing both Rhett and Mickey, I only heard myself. The pain kept getting worse and my scream got louder...

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