Look out!

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Mickeys POV

I couldn't stand up, it felt like something forced me down to the ground. The pain started spreading down my spine. I looked up at the moon and heard people screaming. I knew it was Rhett and Link, I could recognize their voices. My eyes still burned, but they started to feel heavy. Everything started spinning, very fast. It made me dizzy and I felt like I was about to be sick. I screamed for it to let me go, but what was it? Was it just my head, was it just my imagination? I had no idea what it was, so I screamed even louder. After a while I could stand up again, since I didn't remember much I drew the conclusion that I probably passed out. I saw myself, was this an out of body experience, was I dead? I couldn't be, I could see her moving around, standing up, running. I followed her, well I had no choice...

Link's POV

I looked around me, I knew I had passed out because my head was hurting so bad. I knew I'd turned since I felt so angry, and I couldn't hear Rhett or Mickey around. Guessing them had turned to since they weren't screaming. I felt angry, and really hungry. I looked around me, I saw a small bird. Out of pure instinct I grabbed it and put it in my mouth. It didn't taste much, but the feathers tickled the back of my throat. The real problem was that I was still hungry. 

" NO! DON'T! " I heard someone scream from far away. 

I didn't understand who it was, but I recognized it. My body started running toward it, without me realizing it, I didn't tell my body to do so. It just ran. After running for a couple of minutes I saw people standing a little bit in front of me. I stopped and hid behind a tree. Then I saw who the people were. It was Rhett, and Locke. Rhett had turned into a bloodwolf and held Locke by his chin. But what was Locke doing here? Locke was suppose to be at home, with Cristy, Jessie and the other kids. I heard another voice screaming.

" Let go of your son! " 

I turned around, only to see Lily standing on top of a fallen over tree. Something snapped and I did the same thing as Rhett did, grabbed her by the chin and lifted her up towards my face. She looked me in the eyes, I could se how afraid she was. She didn't recognized me, and I didn't recognized her either for a second. I growled and felt the pain in my stomach from being so hungry. 

" Dad! Please! No, it's me! Lily! Don't you remember?! "

Lily's POV

Dad was holding my so tight, not in a lovable way. And he stared into my eyes, his eyes were red. He looked like he'd went completely insane. And I thought he did, until he looked me deep in the eyes. Something happened and he dropped me. I landed on the ground, I quickly got up and ran back to the fallen down tree. Rhett was still holding Locke. Dad looked away from us, got on all fours and ran away. He ran fast, I've never seen dad running like that. Rhett looked at him, then at me and lastly at Locke. Then he dropped Locke and ran the opposite way from dad. He ran deeper into the forest, so did dad. Locke looked at me, and he ran to hug me. I hugged him and felt tears starting to run down my face. I heard Locke sniff at the same time. 

" Locke, it's okay. " I mumbled.

He stopped hugging me and just looked at me. 

" You think everything's okay, don't you?!" He shouted.

I was surprised by him being so angry. 

" Locke, calm down. We'll just go back home, I knew I shouldn't have dragged you in to this. I'm sorry. Come on, let's go back. "

He sat down.

" Lily, I'm not going anywhere. I want my dad back. " He said

" So do I, but the only thing we can do is wait. "

" Then, I'll wait here! " 

Is this the real me? (Rhett&Link-fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now