Let's talk about that!

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Mickeys POV

Rhett, Jessie and their kids arrived. Me and Link had already made up our minds how we were going to bring out the bad news. I kept playing with the Neal-kids to keep my mind busy.

" Kids! Dinner! " Cristy called for us.

We ate dinner together, talking about all sorts of thing. The kids sat nicely together with us the entire time.

" Kids, you wanna watch some Netflix? " I asked.

They all cheered and Link helped them set it all up. He came back and sat down next to me.

" Guys, we've got some bad news. I know this'll sound like apocalypse happening in our house. But, there is a chance that me and Rhett'll fall back into the bloodwolf-dom. " He said.

Cristy looked at me.

" How can this be? Is there something wrong, did the bite have a long time side effect? " She asked.

" No, don't worry. It's just a blue moon, which happens very rarely. " I answered.

Rhett looked down at his feet.

" Guys, I've been meaning to tell you. I've been feeling really funny at nighttime. "

Link looked at me and then at him.

" Then, you're just like me and Mickey, in the high risk zone. "

Cristy and Jessie started looking really worried.

" Is this guaranteed to happen? " They asked.

" No, but there is a big chance of it happening. " I said.

Jessie walked up to me and hugged me.

" It's okay baby girl. " She said, you could hear her southern accent. " We'll get through this, but I don't want to loose anyone of you. "

I hugged her back.

" Don't worry Jessie, you won't. " I promised.

I started to explain everything about the risk zone, the blue moon and everything around it. Rhett looked into my eyes.

" Mickey, do you have something in your eye? "

I started blinking, I didn 't feel like I did. But something was wrong with my eyes, they were itching, feeling irritating and warm. I ran to the bathroom, looking at my own eyes. They were more of a redish, brownish green, rather than their regular bright green. I felt anger building up inside, the blue moon must have been close, I've never felt so angry before. I jumped out the bathroom window and ran away from the house, I didn't want to hurt anyone...

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