It's okay

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Mickeys POV

I looked at both Rhett and Link, they looked so sad and worried. Why? I understood that they felt guilty from what they did, and that's totally natural, but they didn't have to be so sad. Everything was okay, I was recovering in the hospital and soon everything would be okay. 

" Mickey, please. Forgive us, we didn't mean to hurt you. What happened we don't understand, but we do understand that what we did was dangerous. " Rhett said and sat down on a chair next to the bed. 

I smiled at him. Link sat down on the other side of my bed. Suddenly I felt my eyes going heavy, and so did my breathing. They called for a nurse, she said I was dying. I resisted to believe it, I was just really tired. I wasn't going to die today, and not in an near future. I opened my eyes and sat up. The nurse looked at me with big eyes, all the stats on the life support systems went back to normal levels. I felt whole again. 

" Mickey? Are you okay? " She said. 

Links POV

Mickey just sat up, and all the stats went back to normal, I'd never been so surprised ever before. Rhett and I just looked at her. She was totally fine, and every cut, stitch and other type of damage just went away. They weren't there anymore. At first it freaked me out, but then happiness overflowed in me. Rhett and I hugged her, and she smiled. 

" Mickey, what happened? " Rhett asked. 

" I'm okay now. " She said...

Authors note!

Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you! For viewing this story over 300 times. I'm so happy. And no, this is not the end, just wanted to clarify that. I'm sorry if this is a kinda short chapter, although I wrote like three yesterday. Expect longer in the future. 

Stay Mythical Beast Freinds!

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