Meeting Little Sakura

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Tsunade's eye twitched in annoyance and with little patients at the nervous girl while the little pink hair girl looked between Tsunade and Kari.

It all started when Kari, the new girl who had just moved in a few years ago, came in holding little Sakura.

At first, when Tsunade saw the little girl in Kari's arms. She was interested how much this little girl looked so much like her student, Sakura Haruno.

The little girl wore an oversized T-shirt and she was barefooted. Her pink hair reached her shoulder and she had a silky red ribbon that tied her bangs back to show her big forehead. But Tsunade could tell she tried hiding it by hiding behind Kari or letting a few pink stray hair over her forehead. And she had bright emerald eyes resembling Sakura's eyes.

"Kari... Who exactly is this and why does she look exactly like Sakura Haruno?" Tsunade asked, and her curiosity was raised when Kari started to stutter nervously. And that was a sign that Kari did something mildly bad or extremely bad. And Tsunade had hoped it wasn't very bad, and unfortunately it was as Kari started to explain.

"....... So basically... You somehow turned Sakura... Into a 5 year old?!" Tsunade yelled causing the young girl to squeak in surprise while Sakura cringed from Tsunade's loud and angry voice, but she didn't back away like how Kari was doing.

Again, Tsunade growled as she tried to calm herself down.

This was very bad. Very, very bad.

First of all, she had just receive urgent news from one of her anbu that Sasori of the Akatsuki was still alive. And he wanted revenge on Sakura.

Second of all, Sakura was needed in the hospital being Konoha's greatest medic beside herself, and Tsunade couldn't count on Ino and Shizune on handling everything herself. A reason why Sakura was needed in the hospital because a few of Konoha's anbus and jounins were badly injured by the few Akatsuki who were still alive somehow.

But now that this problem has popped up, Tsunade had to find a quick way to get Sakura back to normal before anymore trouble could come up.

Looking up with a calmed face, she called for Team 7, 8, and 10 along with Team Guy.

A few short minutes had passed and all four teams came as fast as they could when they heard urgent news involving Sakura.

The first thing everyone could hear was Naruto's panicked yelling that could probably be heard all over Konoha.

"Baa-chan! Baa-chan!" Naruto yelled, slamming the door open to the Hokage's room and dashed in with the others right behind him. "What happened to Sakura? Where is she! Baa-chan-" "Shut it you annoying brat!" Tsunade yelled, throwing a bottle of empty sake as Naruto who dodged along with the others.

"Sakura is not dead or hurt if you think that." Naruto and a few others sighed in relief. "But.. I'm afraid she isn't the same Sakura you know now." Everyone looked at her And before they could comment, they all heard shuffling feet coming from behind Lady Tsunade's desk.

They watched curiously as Lady Tsunade whispered to something before the little figure came out from behind the desk. They all widened their eyes when they saw her emerald eyes, her red face, and pink hair.

"L-Lady Hokage... Please don't tell us that's who we think it is." Kakashi gasped while the little girl fully faced the ninjas in the room while her head was down hiding her forehead and her flushed face.

"I'm afraid so Hatake. Everybody, meet Sakura Haruno."


"WHAT?!" They all yelled which made the young girl cringe before tears appeared on the side of her eyes.

"Wahhhh!" Sakura wailed while Tsunade panicked.

"Look what you've guys done! You made her cry!" Tsunade covered her ears in pain while at the same time trying to coax the young girl to stop.

"O-oh no! Please don't cry Sakura. W-we're sorry to scare you like that!" Then an idea appeared on Naruto's head. He crouched in front of the whimpering girl while Naruto crouched in front of her, hiding his have behind his hands before he started to play peek-a-boo with funny faces.

Unfortunately, it just scared the little girl back to crying.

"What did I do wrong-" BAM "Ow! What the hell did I do?!"

"Stop scaring Sakura-chan you baka!"

Little Sakura and Konoha 12Where stories live. Discover now