No Cures and Sakura's New Friend! The End?

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After finally seperating the Konoha 11 plus one and the Akatsuki members -after being threatened if they fight again they would all be sent to the hospital with every bone in their body fractured courtesy to Lady Tsunade-, both Lady Tsunade and Pein had announced that the Akatsuki and Konoha were now allies. Of course there were a few -a lot- of complaints coming from those close to Sakura.

"You can't be serious Baa-Chan! There is no way I will ever work with them! They took Sakura from us!"

"That is not true, un! You took Sakura away from us first!"

"Nu uh since when!?" "BARK!" "I agree with Akamaru, we've never kidnapped Sakura she's been here with us as long as I remembered."

"LIARS! Tobi knows you're all liars!"

"W-W-We're n-n-not l-lying!"

"Yes you all fucking are!"

"No we're not!" -Ino

"Yes you are! Your stupid shinobis raided one of our base one day and you kidnapped Sakura in front of our eyes!" -Sasori

"Unyouthful criminals we did no such thing!"

"Maybe not you guys but we certainly remember Konoha Shinobis kidnap her! We want her back!" -Kisame

"You can't have her back! We're not letting her live with a bunch of criminals!" -Tenten

"Hey! We may be fucking criminals but we take care of Sakura pretty well then you bastards probably did! I even heard that you fucking lost Sakura while you doing your damn race!"

"What the- Who told you about the race?!" -Neji

"News around here travels fast. Now give Sakura-Chan back." -Itachi

"Go to hell!" -Sasuke

"Give her back before I embed all my papers into your body!"

"Now now whore, I'm pretty sure we can talk this all out on who keeps Sakura.And I saw we keep her." -Sai

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?! I'LL KILL YOU! And Sakura is never going to come with you idiots!"

"You're not taking Sakura, believe it!"

"Yes we are you ramen-lover idiot!" -Kakuzu

"She belongs in Konoha! Not with a bunch of criminals!" -Ino

"I say she doesn't belong in this crappy place so she should go with us you fuck-tards!"

"No way in hell is she going with an idiot that cusses alot!"

"No way in hell is she staying in Konoha to eat ramen for her whole life, un!"








Everybody all went silent as for the first time Pein had screamed on the top of his voice to silenced everybody. Lady Tsunade would be a little unnerved also but rigfht now she was downing down her sake in annoyance before she growled at all of them.

"Now that everything has been dealt with-"



"As I was saying," Lady Tsunade resumed, ignoring the fallen blonde who was cradling his head in pain from where the sake bottle had hit him and shattered. "Now that we have been allianced, Akatsuki will now live here in Konoha from now on. Anyone who doesn't like this idea will be sent to the hospital with internal bleeding and fractured bones, now does anyone object?"

No one dared answered back.

"Good, now Akatsuki go back and pack up because from now on you will be living here as residents. Don't worry, we will take care of Sakura and she'll be safe."

One problem was dealt, but Lady Tsunade was face with another problem in hand... How to get Sakura back into her rightful self. 

"Kari!" Kari squeaked and looked up at Lady Tsunade, her eyes widened with fear. Behind her was the rest of the Konoha 11 plus one and the Akatsuki. Right before the ameture witch could run off back into her apartment, Lady Tsuande stopped her with a single glower. "Kari, it's been already one week haven't you found the cure yet?"

"Um... How do I explain this...?" Kari said before she suddenly got to her knees and hands, praying silently under her breath before she screamed out the words fast. "ICAN'TCURESAKURA!SHE'SSTUCKLIKETHISFOREVERANDNOTHINGCANCUREIT!IASKEDMYGRANDMATODOEVERYTHINGTOFINDACUREBUTTHISSPELLISINCURABLE!I'MSO,SOSORRYLADYTSUNADE!I'MSOSORRYPLEASEDON'TKILLME!"

It took the others to comprehend at what the ameture witch had said, but when they all managed to understand they all started to yell. Well almost all of them except for the Akatsuki. 

The only reason they were relieved was because then they could have the chance to see Sakura grow up again, and hopefully in a more peaceful enviroment then now.Speaking of which... Where was Sakura?

Sasori wandered off to find Sakura while the rest of the Akatsuki members stared after him before looking back at each other.

"Un... What are we going to tell Sasori about her new friend, hmm? I'm pretty sure he's going to disapprove her relationship, un." 

"Let's catch up with him before Sasori does anything drastic."

After a while, Sasori found Sakura's chakra and it was leading her to the park. Sasori frowned. What was she doing in the park all alone? Who was taking care of her-

Oh hell no...

Sasori's eye twitch at the sight before him, and before he could lunge at Sakura's new buddy two pair of arms stopped him and held him back, yelling at him to stop. 

"Sasori-Danna stop, un!" 

"Tobi says you can't kill Sakura's new friend!"

"I'm going to kill that little brat!"

While Deidara and Tobi tried to hold the red-head back, Konan couldn't help but gush at how cute Sakura and her new friend were. They were just to adorable that Pein and Kisame had to hold her back to keep her from squeezing the two to death. 

Because with Sakura, a little boy around her age with short black hair were under the tree taking a little nap. Holding hands.


The story is ending here but I'm thinking of making a sequel, except this will be a longer chapter with a new generation of shinobis. Just need to think of a title and if you know a good title for the sequel please, please tell me!

Also thanks for liking and supporting my stories! Hope to hear you guys soon! Bye-bye!

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