Missing Day 2

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Slowly getting up, I looked around to realize I was somewhere dark and cold and instantly my eyes started to burn with tears as I looked around.

"A-Auntie Tsunade? N-Nawuto? Sasuke? A-akamawu?" I snuffled, tears now running down my eyes. "W-where is everyone? Where a-am I?"

"Hello young one." Looking up front matted bed, I looked up to see the scary man I remembered from earlier. He was still holding that bell which was chiming, calming me down as I rubbed my eyes. I whimpered.

"W-where a-am I mister?"

"You will be going back home."

I perked up instantly and looked up at the scary man who turned his back on me. "Y-you're going to take me back home?"

The scary man turned his head towards me and gave me a small nod. "Yes, now eat up princess. It wouldn't be wise to let you starve, after all I am being payed to bring you back home safe and sound."

"Who are you being payed by mister?"

"He didn't tell me much, but he calls himself The Puppet Master."

"Puppet Master?" I asked curiously before I grinned. "He sounds fun!"

"Yea... Fun since he threatened me to get you by the two days or he was going to turn me into a living puppet."

"Neji? Do you see her?" Shikamaru asked, watching the brunette boy looking around the thick forest jut outside of Konoha before shaking his head.

"No," he answered much to their disappointment. "I can't see anything so far, but I do feel someone's chakra faintly about a few miles away."

"It could be our mystery man." Kiba said as he sniffed the air. ".... I can smell Sakura's scent also along with someone else that smells like... Pepper?"

Naruto then started to dash off while Shikamaru groaned. "Naruto! Stop!"

"No way!" Naruto yelled back, "I'm not letting some kidnapper take Sakura on my watch!"

"He's nothing but troublesome...." Shikamaru groaned before looking spat his team. "We have to stop Naruto before he ruins the plan, let's hurry."


"Hiya!" Tenten threw a few kunais at the mysterious man who jumped up to a roof, dodging it with ease causing Tenten to scream in frustration. "Stay still damn it!"

"Tenten!" Ino exclaimed, running towards the brunette with Hinata. "Where is he! Did you get him?"

Tenten growled under her breath and shook her head. "No, he's as fast as a sugar-high Rock Lee! He keeps dodging all of my weapons, it's frustrating me! I know he's playing with me now!"

Ino then looked up at the cloaked man who just stood on the roof, staring down with a bored look on his face as the blond girl narrowed her eyes in anger before pointing an accusing finger at him. "Where's Sakura you bastard!"

The man didn't answer but just sighed angering Ino even more."You shouldn't make accusations without proof little girl."

And again, the cloaked man turned and disappeared while Ino chased after him from ontop of the roofs. Tenten looked at the Hinata. "Let's split."

With that, the two splitted up. The cloaked man was currently sighing at his bad luck.

"Why does everything happen to me?"


Naruto flew out from on top of the trees and into the oblivious man who held a large bag over his shoulder. Naruto was able to hit the man but just went through causing Naruto to tumble on the ground as the blond got up on his elbows and stared at the still man.

"What the hell?!" Naruto growled, getting back on his feet. "I was sure that I hit you straight hit on!"

"Naruto!" Shikamaru yelled, bursting through the shrub with the others. "That one is phantom clone! Whoever kidnapped Sakura knows high leveled jutsus, be careful!"

"I don't care how strong this person is! No one can just take my friends and get away! And besides, if this is just a phantom then it can't touch us, right?"

The phantom clone chuckled. "Wrong boy. You can't touch me, but I can touch you. I foresaw that you would chase after the little pink princess, but I can't allow that happen. I'm being payed high just to kidnap and deliver her to someone, so I can't fail this mission."

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes.

'So someone payed him to kidnap Sakura. I would understand that they would kidnap her because she was trained under by the slug Sannin, but when Sakura was turned into a child she lost all of her memories along with her abilities as an adult. So I'm guessing that don't know about her transformation, which could lead into trouble because no one needs a deadweight.'

Sasuke, who unconsciously turned his eyes into sharingan, growled. "Who payed you to do it?"

The man just tsked before shrugging his shoulder. "You think I can just tell you? I'm not an idiot, but I will tell you this. The princess is doing fine, just sleeping so you have nothing to worry about. Though I was surprise that the slug sannin's apprentice is a little girl, she must be stronger than I thought."

Naruto's eye twitch. "Alright, I'm done playing around! I'm leaving!"

"I'm afraid I can't." Suddenly a giant spider came out from nowhere as Naruto jumped from the sides. Right when Sasuke was going to help him, cracks appeared under him as a giant centipede came out making him jump back along with the others as a giant tarantula came out from the ground also as everyone sweated with worry.

The phantom man jumped up and landed on top of the tarantula who drooled acid as it burned the ground. "My bugs will not allow you to pass until my mission is complete, and trust me. By the time my bugs return back from where they came from, you'll all be dead."

"Well guess what! We're taking Sakura back and you're not going to stop us! Rasegan!"

A man wearing a brown cloak stared at the pink haired girl while the scary man looked between the brown cloaked man and the little pink hair girl.

"This is the girl you want me to kidnap, right?" The man asked while the brown cloaked man gave a hesitant nod.

"Yes... Her chakra is the same like last time, but.... I'm pretty sure she was a 16 year old, not a 5 year old girl."

The scary man furrowed his eyes before shrugging as he slipped the money pouch into his sleeves. "Well, she heard the chakra bells so it has to be her and she looks like the person you described. So my work here is done, so bye."

With that, he left leaving Sakura with the cloaked man who had a sweatdrop behind his head.

Sakura looked up at him with her head tilted.

"Mister Puppet Master! Scawy man said that you wewe going to take me home."

The cloaked man looked down at the little girl with a troubled look on his face before he sighed and nodded.

"Yea, I'm bringing you back home. And just call me Sasori."

"Okay Sasowi-Sama!"

Little Sakura and Konoha 12Where stories live. Discover now