Akatsuki Vs. Konoha

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Sasori ran, dodging all the attacks from the hesitant Konoha 11 plus 1. Sasori knew that if they attacked him with all they got, there was chances Sakura could get hurt and they didn't want that, but that meant it got harder for them to take down Sasori and take back Sakura. 

Looking up, Sasori jumped up high now running across the roofs of Konoha as the Leaf Shinobis were now following him from the ground and right behind him. Sasori jumped down from the high roof of a building.


An explosion came out of nowhere and Sasori was swept up from the middle of the air, but the red-head knew better. It was the brat coming to save him and Sakura, but if he's here that meant...

"Is Sakura-Chan alright?" Sasori glanced behind him to see Itachi, his eyes spinning with red while looking down at the now unconscious girl. In front of him was Deidara, and Sasori was surprised that he didn't start gloating that he had to save his ass from the Konoha Ninja or telling Itachi to get off, but he guessed all Deidara could think now was to save Sakura. 

"She's alright, she fainted as soon as the Konoha Ninja started to attack us though," Sasori said, hugging Sakura closer to him in a protective manner.

They all saw something red coming towards them and before Deidara could tilt the bird to the right the fireball directly hit the bird and the three men had no choice but to jump off the bird as it exploded with a loud bang. 

While Sasori fell from the sky, he was about to land on the nearest roof until four kunais came and hit his arms, forcing him to let go of Sakura as she started to fall from his arms making his eyes widened in horror. "SAKURA!"

Then green flash came and it was then Sasori realized that Sakura was saved, but by the Konoha Shinobi. 'Damn it,' Sasori cursed before he crashed into the ground. 

"Don't worry my youthful flower!" Lee exclaimed as he was now running back tot he group. "We'll take you back ho-ah!"

Lee didn't see it coming, but a pale hand rose from the ground and grabbed Lee around the ankle making him trip. To make sure Lee didn't get Sakura to get hurt, he flipped to back and slid from there as he groaned and looked up to see another Akatsuki Member rose up from the ground. He had a large venus flytrap growing from his neck and half of his skin was white while the other half was black, his golden eyes leering at him.

"I'll be taking back Sakura-chan now bitch."

Grabbing the girl from the man's grip, he was about to slink down to the ground again until he saw a flash of blue. Sighing irritably, he threw Sakura up in the air before slinking down on the ground moments before the Rasengan could touch him. Then an orange and black blur grabbed the flying pinkette. 

"Tobi got Sakura-Chan now!" The masked man yelled cheerfully, on the inside he was sighing in relief before he decided to end this game now. Shunshinning, he disappeared in a smoke of red right when two figures jumped towards him from both sides. 

"OW! Watch where you're going teme!"

"Why don't you dobe?!"

Tobi was still running, but as soon as he turned to the corner a large white dog pounced on him making the masked man yell in fear. He tried jumping back but the dog bit him right on the leg from going any further. Tobi cried in pain, cursing internally at the white dog. Soon he saw a flash of blue and yelled getting his attention.

"KISAME-SEMPAI!!!!" Tobi screamed, as he suddenly threw Sakura towards him. "CATCH!"

"GODDAMNIT TOBI!" Kisame growled, as Tobi had accidentally threw Sakura to far from Kisame's reach. Kisame tried to catch her, but he stumbled back and fell and watched with horrified eyes until sakura was caught again, but this time it was the Konoha Shinobi. 

Neji was the one who caught Sakura this time and he didn't waste time as he ran back, his byakugan activated to make sure there weren't any Akatsuki members after him. He stopped then stared blankly at Akatuski Member Hidan as he stood in his way, scythe out as he started glared at the Hyuga.

"Okay girly, you give back Sakura-chan and I won't sacrifice you to Jashin-Sama."

"Girly...?" Neji muttered, a little annoyed before he narrowed his eyes. Neji didn't answer as he stood his ground as both he and the Jashinist we're glaring at each other. Neji noticed Tenten's chakra appear behind Hidan but the Jashinist didn't seem to notice. By the time Hidan realized it, a flurry of kunais shot out from Tenten's scroll and embedded themselves into Hidan's body making him fall on the ground with a thud. Neji sneered at the cursing man. "That's what you get for calling me a girl." With that he ran.

"Neji!" The Hyuga glanced to his side to see Tenten catching up with him. "Is Sakura-chan alright?"

Neji looked down at Sakura and nodded, noticing how Sakura was shivering while clutching his shirt tightly. "She's unconscious, come on, we better hurry to Lady Tsunade while the others deal with the Akatsuki Member- Huh?!"

Both Neji and Tenten cursed as they stopped and were now face to face to the murderer who killed almost all the Uchihas. Itachi Uchiha.

From the Hokage Tower, Lady Tsunade stared at rinegan eyes from the one, and only Akatsuki Leader- Pein. 

Lady Tsunade, took a glance out from her window to see various parts of Konoha being destroyed by both the shinobi of leaf and Akatsuki as they were still playing tug-a-war with Sakura in the middle of it.

Both Lady Tsunade and Pein wanted to stop it before this got out of hand, and there was only one way to stop this madness....

"So we have agreed Pein-San." Lady Tsunade, gritting her teeth as she tried to control her anger when she heard another explosion coming from the village for the fifth time. "Akatsuki will be alliance with Konoha and in return Konoha shall be one of your permanent bases for Konoha. Correct?"

"Yes," Pein nodded, sighing when he heard various curses echoing throughout the village. "We should all be moving here by the end of this week."

Both nodded and both held a sign copy of treaties. Suddenly Lady Tsunade looked to her side and stared at Kari, who she found out was a descendent of a powerful witch, who was growing paler and paler as she read down the words from the scroll. Pein also looked, raising a brow. 

"Kari," The ameture witch jumped and looked up at Lady Tsunade, beads of sweat running down her forehead. "Is something the matter? Did your Grandma tell you how to cure Sakura?"

"Y-Yea... A-About that." Kari sweatdropped, then gulped when Lady Tsunade's brown eyes stared deeply at hers. Kari couldn't answer but keep stuttering to the point it doesn't make sense anymore. 

How exactly could she tell Lady Tsunade that there wasn't a cure for this problem?

Well, at least Kari got her answer on how her Grandma looked so young when she last saw her.

Little Sakura and Konoha 12Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin