Missing Day 3

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Sasori took a hesitant glance at the pink hair girl who was dragging her feet tiredly, but she was looking around the giant trees in awe.

After a few moments of silence, Sasori sighed and stopped causing the Pink hair girl to look up at him curiously. "Sasowi-Sama? What's wong?"

".... Are you tired?"

Surprise by his question, Sakura was about to answer yes before shaking her head and grinned. "No, I'll be okay Sasowi-Sama! I can take care of myself!"

He could hear the lie behind that innocent tone, but didn't say anything else as the two continued through the forest. As they neared to the middle of the nowhere, Sasori's eyes widened as he quickly ducked bringing Sakura with him as a scythe came out of nowhere and slashed through the trees behind the two.

'That was too close...' Sasori thought surly, recognizing that scythe as he growled. 'Stupid idiot, what is he going to accomplish by just throwing his stupid scythe everywhere? He nearly killed us!'

"S-Sasori-Sama..." Sakura stuttered, a little shaken up from that action. Bringing herself up, she looked around warily. "W-what was that?"

"Don't worry Sakura, it's just him being an idiot as usual..." Sasori grumbled surly, making Sakura blink amd flinch from his tone which Sasori saw. Mentally he sighed for scaring Sakura as he suddenly scooped the little girl up with his arms, making Sakura squeal with surprise and to clutch on Sasori's cloak tightly. "Hang on."

Barely nodding her head, Sasori started to run before jumping up on the tree while Sakura burried her head into Sasori's chest, but opened one eye and felt the wind rush into her face as Sakura blinked from the familiarity of it.

'Why does this wind feel familiar...?' Sakura thought, trying to remember which just gave her a headache making her wince inwardly. 'Ow... Now that I think of it, where's mummy and daddy? '

She then took a glance at Sasori. 'And who exactly is he? He really does look familiar to.'

Suddenly Sakura felt a wave of tiredness over her as she couldn't help but give a small yawned before snuggling close to Sasori's chest as she listened to his heartbeat.

'I don't think it matters now... Sasori-Sama says he's going to take me home, and I trust him.'

With that, Sakura fell asleep while Sasori took a glance at her before up at the nearing mansion that was in the middle of nowhere. 'We're almost there Sakura, we're almost there... We'll be together like a family again. And this time I'm not going to make the mistake of losing you to those Konoha bastards.'

"Ah! Tobi wants to know why Sakura-Chan shrunk!" BAM! "OW! Why did Sasori-Sempai hit Tobi?!"

"Shut it idiot, I don't need you to wake her up." Sasori growled, walking away from the masked idiot who had fake tears running down his eye. As he walked by the living room, Kisame looked up and his eyes widened at the pink haired girl in Sasori's arm.

"Hey, is that Sakura?!" Kisame asked excitedly, and rather loudly causing a few people to turn their head towards the red-head, who growled under his breath. "How did you get her back! And why the hell is she a 7-year old again? What happened?"

"I don't know and I don't care. Just shut up and don't wake Sakura up." Sasori growled, causing Kisame to pale slightly under Sasori's death glare.

It wasn't often you see Sasori's death glare since he was usually calm, but when it came to Sakura it was better if you be careful not to mess with him. Kisame chuckled and chugged down his sake, smiling also as the things around him slowly started to go back to normal with Sakura back.

Limping and helping eachother up as they made a long trek back to Konoha, Naruto kept muttering curses and such under his breath, holding his bleeding arm. "I can't believe we failed..."

"Shut it dobe, we were there."

"Why don't you teme?!"

"You're really getting on my nerves now dobe!"

"And you're getting on my nerves! Believe it!"

While the the two were bickering and yelling at eachother from the back of the group, the others were silent until one of them spoke up.

"What do we do now Shikamaru?" Choji asked, looking up at his best friend who was in deep thought before shrugging.

"I'm not sure... But hopefully the girls will have a clue of where Sakura is... If they don't... Then we failed..."

"Ah! How many time do I have to say I did not kidnap the little girl!" Tied to the chair was a man, flailing his legs while he kept whining. His hood was down revealing his long brown hair and golden eyes with a scar diagonally on his left eye. "Can you let me go?!"

"Nope, not until the boys come back." Ino said, growling as she crouched down to his eye level. For a minute the both of them were in a heated glare, both glaring hate at eachother while sparks flew between the eyes. Soon they started to yell at eachother.





As the two bickered back and forth, Tenten and Hinata backed away before looking at eachother.

"I think the man is teling the truth..."

"S-Should W-We stop t-them before t-they kill e-eachother? Specifically I-Ino?"

"Ino does get aggravated when no one agrees with her... But no way I'm not stopping them. I'm too young to die."

Little Sakura and Konoha 12Where stories live. Discover now