The Park and the Angry Puppet

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A few days with Sakura back, the whole base was cheery like it was before Sakura had disappeared. While she was here, Sakura had gotten close with everyone no longer calling them -sama in the end of their names but started to call them brothers and sister.

While she had been with the Akatsuki, she had also been learning a few things like how to read as she was now able to pronounce her R's clearly. Not only that she was learning how to use her chakra as she now was learning how to use her insane monstrous strength. 

Sasori was proud of her little imouto-chan and he was afraid that he was going to lose her again, so to keep her safe he would stick by her everyday and whenever she wanted to go play outside he would le tTobi distract her which only worked for a couple of days. Sakura was growing sick and impatient as she now wanted to go play outside.

"Please Sasori-nii-kun!" Sakura pouted, clutching tightly onto his pants. "I'm dying here! I need sunlight!"

"Don't exaggerate Sakura-Chan." Sasori rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but feel that Sakura was right. Though he may not have flesh any more, he knew that it was important that Sakura would soon need fresh air and sunlight as she did look a bit tired than usual. "But I will allow it as long as you have one of us with you at all time." 'I can't risk you being captured by those Konoha Bastards again like last time.' Sasori added mentally.

Sakura cheered and Sasori smiled, taking Sakura's small hand in his before leading her out of the base. Along the way they were stopped by Kisame who stared at the duo curiously.

"Where are you two going?"

"Sasori-kun is taking me out to the park!" Sakura chirped, which caused the sharkman to look at Sasori with wide, worried eyes.

Telling Sakura to stay there, Kisame grabbed Sasori before leading him far away from Sakura where she wouldn't hear them.

"Sasori, is this a good idea?"

"No, of course I don't think this is a good idea." Sasori growled at Kisame. "It's risky bringing Sakura out, with our base close to Konoha and their shinobis still trying to find Sakura, but she needs some fresh air and sunlight or she might get sick."

Kisame nodded hesitantly before sighing. "Alright, but I'm coming with you. Two pairs of eyes are better than one, and I'm bored."

While the duo walked back to where Sakura was, they both froze when they didn't see the pinkette anywhere.


"Tobi-kun? I don't think Sasori-kun will be happy that I just suddenly left without his permission." Sakura said, looking up at Tobi who was carrying her under his arm after she had explained where she was going with Sasori.

"Tobi's bored! Not only that, we still have a lot of catching up to do Sakura-chan." 'Tobi' said, his voice quickly going deep at the last sentence which Sakura didn't mind, already use to that voice.

Though Sakura didn't understand what he meant by catching up, she was ready to help Tobi anyway she can! 'Tobi' on the other hand knew that Sakura wouldn't be able to tell her a lot about her past in Konoha, he was able to use a Memory Jutsu on her which enabled him to shift through her memories when she was older. 

He just got all the way into half of the chunin exams in her memory, and he still wanted to see more of it. -though he was later going to kill Orochimaru for hurting his precious Sakura-chan when he had sent those three Oto shinobis to kill Sasuke-

"Here we are Sakura-chan!" Tobi exclaimed before he smelled dangos filling the air and looked down at Sakura to see her holding her stomach slightly when she also smelled the dangos. "Tobi will be right back with your dangos sakura-chan! Just sit right there and Tobi will be back before you know it!"

Listening to Tobi, Sakura sat on one of the benches while Tobi disappeared from her view until she was suddenly grabbed. She was about to scream until she was suddenly cuddled and the smell of ramen filled her scent. She beamed.


"Sakura-chan! I'm so glad you're safe!" Naruto exclaimed, relief that he had found her. It was strange that Sakura was alone out in the park without her kidnapper in sight.

'Maybe he left her here for a while...'

With little time to spare, Naruto quickly walked away with Sakura in his arms who stare dup at him curiously.

"Naruto? Where are you taking me? Tobi is going to-"

"I'm going to take you back to Konoha! You don't have to be scared any more Sakura-chan!"

As he quickly exited the park, he was to deep in thought to notice Sakura's sad look. she eventually stopped trying to tell Naruto when he was ignoring her. 

'I'm sorry Nii-chan and Nee-Chan...'


Almost everybody in the base flinched, and even though they were angry at Tobi for losing her they were all scared of Sasori. It's been so long that Sasori had just... Blew up like this. Not since Sakura had also disappeared long ago and found out Konoha did it and that he couldn't do anything to get her back.

"Tobi... You better have your eye open tonight." Sasori growled before stomping out of the base and slamming the door shut, which rattled the house.

Nobody didn't say anything, but glared at Tobi who didn't do anything but sulked and went towards his room. Clicking the lock behind him, he removed the mask and Tobi sighed rubbing his temples in anger. When he opened his eyes, one of his eyes were spinning with red in anger as he though about Konoha.

'Konoha,you better watch your back. An angry puppet is coming your way that not even hell could stop him.'

Sakura was happy to be back in Konoha, but she really missed the Akatsuki especially Sasori.

While she swung her feet on the bed in her temporary room, Lady Tsunade had decided that Sakura would be living in the Hokage mansion for a while in fear she would disappear again, she jumped when there was a crash just outside.

The window was shut close so no one inside and outside would to get out, but when she to tried to open the lock-less door she realized that an anbu was blocking her way much to her annoyance as she banged on the door.

"What's going on? What happened!"

"Sakura-Sama, do not worry." An emotionless voice spoke to her behind the door. "You'll be safe in the- OOF!"

Sakura bit her lip and backed away from the door as she heard a thud and as cream outside from her door. Whatever it was, Sakura was scared. She looked around trying to find a place to hide, but it was to late when the door open to reveal....


Jumping into his arms, Sasori smiled in relief and tightened his grip on Sakura before hiding her face into his chest so her innocent eyes wouldn't see what he had done to the people he mercilessly killed.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan, let's go back home."

Though as soon as Sasori walked outside the mansion, he snarled when he was surrounded. Not by anbus though, but by the Konoha 12 plus one pale kid and a busty woman who he vaguely recognize as Tsunade.

"Sasori Akasuna, you are hereby arrested of kidnapping and slaughtering our shinobis!"

"Hn, just try to stop me. You not taking Sakura back you bastards, you're going to wish you never took Sakura from us."

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