WHEN VIOLET was nine, she hacked into the database of a small country's government and effectively destroyed the country. A reward for doing that was a lolipop. Whilst she ate her lolipop, she did the same task to another small country, selling information and arms to larger countries for treats. Hacking was a piece of cake - literally. Violey knew how to hack into files, she knew how to create false files, she knew how to make someone who never existed become the most respected person in a government and she knew how to wipe someones name and life from the face of the earth. It was common knowledge for Hydra's most important asset, something as simple as tying a shoelace. Getting into Tony Stark's system was like tying a tie. Violet had no difficulty whatsoever.
After the Winter Soldier had left her, she was left with no choice but to complete their own mission by herself. She wasn't solely dependent on her male counterpart, but she enjoyed his company and it made missions all that more exciting. But he was missing- he left her with nothing as to where he was going.
She pushed aside the feeling of abandonment and instead replaced it with relief, as she was thankful that Pierce had all the equipment she needed in his home. She had created a fake identity for herself and Bucky, and the two made fake backstories: from where she was raised, what her parents worked as, and right down to the age she lost her first tooth (she was six).
It meant that she was no longer Violet Zola, it meant that she wasn't anybody. Not anymore. She was simply Valentina Hayes, and she worked as a cleaner at the Avengers tower. Violet had inserted her fake profile among the other workers files- she had now been working there for two years, she was hired after the battle of New York, where she started working part time to gain her money to survive on in university. She quite enjoyed the game of pretend, though it was nothing compared to the thrill of adrenaline during a mission.
Violet smiled as she passed through the electronic gates in the reception area of the Avengers tower. It worked, easy. Her heart thumped in her chest erratically, her breath shallowed for a second before she controlled it. The excitement of this new mission had gotten to her until an uneasy thought - an extremely uncommon thought- popped into the back of her mind.
Yes, you got in. But trying to hide from the Avengers whilst trying to find more information about Victoria Stark? Good luck.
For once, she felt a sense of fear settle cold in her heart. If she was caught, it was the end of the line.
In the mean time, Hydra had let her go. She managed to get herself released on the terms that she would have a tracker implanted in her; one that wrapped around her nerve system in the back of her neck which would kill her should she try to remove it, and she came back to train Pietro and Wanda every week. She was surprised they let her, to be honest, after the Soldier's disappearance, but she was the most powerful asset they had, so they couldn't exactly say no, in case she decided to kill them all. Plus, she figured that they thought she'd be able to find him and bring him back. She didn't want to bring him back.
Violet's back slacked as she walked down a clear corridor, her work uniform covered in a large parka and leather gloves. After the collapse of Shield, the Avengers tower was empty. All of the workers were actually Hydra members, though Tony and Rhodey had managed to clear them all out. The few people who worked in the tower now had all been through rigorous assessments once every few months- apart from Violet, who had scheduled one for herself that day.
She had her new life all figured out; she was going to find out about Tony's life, and then find Bucky, and then drop off the planet with Bucky, Wanda and Pietro. She wasn't going to involve herself in Tony's life- there was no need. Plus, she was Shield's most wanted, so she couldn't reveal herself to her brother, who essentially worked for the collapsed agency, as she would end up being arrested and executed. She just wanted a glimpse of the life she could've had.
Violet entered the elevator and looked everywhere along the cold metal doors in search of buttons - there should've been at least a hundred lining the walls. Her quiet stupor was broken and she jumped as a voice flooded through from somewhere. "Hello, Miss Hayes, would you like to go to the worker's quarters?" She spun on her heels and looked around the box many times, but she only found herself looking at her reflection in the chrome elevator.
"Um, yes?" She replied into thin air. She winced at her uncertainty and cursed herself for being so weak. She was Ultraviolet, infamous villainess, Hydra's best assassin, most powerful person on the planet, and there she was; getting scared of metallic voices and doubting her usually unwaivering confidence. She could've kicked herself. Especially as it took her time to realise that the voice was a UI, but her irritance grew to shock and pride as she took the rest of the time in the elevator to comprehend that she had managed to hack past the user interface and trick it into knowing her character. She smiled smugly, very impressed with herself.
The box soon stopped, and when the doors slid open Violet stepped out and into a cold corridor. She looked at the three doors, each of which had plaques on, and went into the room that read 'locker room' on the metal sheet. She glanced around the room to make sure nobody was in before she took off her parka and gloves and threw them on top of a row of lockers. She hit the first locker in front of her face, but it wouldn't budge. Violet spent the next ten minutes slamming and breaking into lockers as she scoured the room for a spare uniform, but to no luck. Her heart sunk as her mission slowly frayed, a mission she couldn't even start. She sat down on a bench, when a foul smell wafted towards her. Her head snapped to her left. She cursed herself. A lost and found bucket was right beside her, a bin that Violet had neglected during her search. She rolled her eyes at her stupidity before she quickly slipped the clothes on and shoved the casual garms she had stolen from Pietro in a locker. She tucked a slim knife in her sock and grabbed a keycard from a drawer full of them. She left the locker room and found a cupboard full of cleaning supplies, where she took a trolley and filled it with everything she could find.
Upon entering the elevator again, Violet found that she wasn't alone. She did her best to ignore the woman, but once again the UI's voice startled her, and her coworker chuckled. "Jarvis used to make me jump without fail every time he spoke. You just learn to accept that he's everywhere, always a voice over your shoulder." The older woman smiled warmly at Violet, which she - begrudgingly - returned.
"I'm just a little jumpy- I watched a horror film last night and I'm sure the killer is out to get me." Violet's voice was unrecognisable to her, and she nearly spluttered on her words if she hadn't reminded herself that the photostatic veil could alter the user's voice. Violet had managed to make it sound American, hiding her true accent, a mixture of various european accents from the amount of languages she spoke. The woman laughed at her reply, and Violet smiled to herself again as she moved her trolley to the side to allow the woman to exit on the 30th floor.
"What floor, Miss Hayes?" Jarvis asked.
"I believe I'm due to clean the living quarters, Jarvis." Violet replied, the smug smile prominent her face. This was going to be easy.
stop telling me jarvis is an ai , i think i wouldve done my research before writing that he is a ui ! : "Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (J.A.R.V.I.S.) was Iron Man's natural-language user interface computer system, named after Edwin Jarvis, the butler who worked for Howard Stark. He used to run Tony Stark's Mansion and Stark Tower and served as a user interface in all his Iron Man Armors, as well as for the other Avengers, giving them valuable information during combat." taken from the marvel wikia

Ultraviolence ☢ Steve Rogers