Author's note: Hey guys! I'm VERY SORRY for not updating sooner... I try my best, but I was very sick these past 2 weeks and had a lot of schoolwork to do. Also, I know that this chapter is kinda short, but I promise to write more in the upcoming chapters ^-^. Hope you enjoy!
You woke up, rubbing your eyes. Levi was to your right, he was sound asleep. You turned to him and ran your fingers through his raven hair.
'He furrows even more when he sleeps, how cute.' You thought as you cuddled into his chest, hugging him. You looked at the clock and saw that it was 7 a.m. Suddenly, you heard a muffled groan.
"Levi, are you awake?" You whispered while still having your forehead pressed against his chest.
"Yes.. Good morning." Levi said and hugged you even tighter. His muscular arms wrapped around you and you almost started suffocating.
"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry if I did, I didn't mean to." You said.
"No, you didn't. Besides, I don't sleep much anyway and I like laying here when you're next to me." Levi said and stroked your cheek with his palm. You blushed at his words.
"Aren't we suppose to get ready for training? Or breakfast at least?"
"Perhaps we could have a day off today." Levi smirked and kissed your forehead.
"You can't be serous. We can't just not show up, you know that?"
"Don't be such a pain in the ass, just a couple more minutes." You nodded in response and laid there with him for about 10 more minutes, talking about random things.
"Levi, I think we really should start getting ready. I don't want to miss breakfast and be hungry until lunch.. please?" You smiled at him with your puppy eyes.
"Alright, but I'm not sure where your clothes are." You sighed and stood up from the bed, you couldn't find your shirt anywhere so you borrowed Levi's while you went looking for your uniform. As you were walking around the room, you could feel Levi's stare follow you wherever you went.
"Why do you keep staring at me?" You asked with a smile.
"You just have a beautiful body, that's all." He smiled slightly and you blushed. Finally, you found your uniform and put it on. You couldn't find your shirt anywhere so you asked Levi if you could borrow his for a day, he agreed and asked you to wait for him while he puts on his clothes.
"So, can we go now?" You asked.
"Tch, you're so impatient." Levi came up to you and lightly pressed you against the door. "But I still love you (Y/n)."
"How can I be sure?" You jokingly asked.
"I know I'm in love with you, because my reality is finally better than my dreams" Levi said and pressed his lips against yours. You returned the kiss immediately and cupped his face with your palms. Levi then broke the kiss and opened the door behind you.
"You look nice in my shirt." He smirked and walked out of the room. You chuckled and followed him.
When both of you got to the mess hall, everyone was already there. You sat down next to Petra and noticed the weird look she gave you, but nobody said anything. It was dead silent until Eren finally broke the silence.
"So uh (Y/n), where were you yesterday? I wanted to check up on you but you weren't in your room."
'Crap..' "Oh, I.. I was on the roof, I just wanted to get some fresh air." You faked a smile.
"Oh okay.. Have you been to your room yet?"
"N-no, why?"
"Never mind, just curious." Eren continued to eat his bread.
"(Y/n), who's shirt is this?" Petra suddenly asked, pointing at your shirt.
"It's uh.. My-"
"Would you stop asking her questions? Shut up and eat your food." Levi yelled and you let out a sigh of relief.
"I heard that the rookies are joining us today, is that true?" Eld asked.
"I believe so, how many decided to join the Recon Corps anyway?" Gunther said.
"Not many... Commander Erwin gave them quiet the speech, most just got scared and joined other branches." Petra answered. You remained quiet the whole time, not wanting to have to answer more questions they might ask.
"Today we will discuss our plans for the upcoming mission, I believe that's when we'll decide their position in the formation." Levi said in a calm tone, sipping on his tea. You looked at the cup of tea you were holding in your hands with a sad look on your face.
"(Y/n), are you feeling well?" Eld asked when he saw the upset look in your eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine.. I just have a bad feeling about this." You lifted your head and looked at him.
"How come?"
"Intuition I guess.. Never mind, probably just my imagination." You said as you brought the small cup of tea to your lips and took a sip.
"Don't worry, we've been on countless expeditions and we're still alive and well." Oluo smiled.
"I guess you're right."
"Everyone start getting ready, we're heading out soon so prepare your horses." Levi said as he stood up and walked away. You stood up as well and went to your room. On your way there, Petra approached you and lightly tapped her fingers on your shoulder.
"(Y/n), you didn't answer my question back there." She chuckled. "So who's shirt is this?"
"W-why do you care so much? It's just a shirt." You chuckled nervously.
"It's Levi's, isn't it?" She said as her face suddenly turned into a look of disappointment.
"Give it a rest Petra, why do you keep accusing me of these things?"
"Because I know it's true... I should have guessed that you lied to me from the very beginning. I'm not mad at you or anything, just disappointed."
"Petra.. I'm sorry, I just-"
"No need to apologize, I'm tired of this. Just tell me... Did you sleep with him?" Petra cut you off. You didn't want to lie anymore so you just nodded.
"I knew it..." Petra said and walked away without saying another word. You figured there was no point in apologizing for what happened but still, you felt guilty. 'Why does this always happen to me? I don't want her to feel upset but I CAN'T STAND her jealous nature.. Hopefully things will get better soon.' You thought and went into your room. When you got there, you saw a note laying on top of your cupboard.
'Is this form Eren?' The note said 'Dear (Y/n)' and had Eren's signature on the bottom. 'Is that why he asked me about my room earlier?' You thought as you started reading the note.
'Dear (Y/n),
I know this might be completely random, but I just wanted to let you know that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my life. I know that I don't have a chance against a man like Levi since it's obvious how much you like him, but I just can't hide this from you anymore.
If you don't feel the same way about me that's okay. All I want to say is that I'm always there if you need someone to talk to, and I'd be very happy if you'd agree to be mine :)
When you were done reading the note, tears started forming in your eyes. 'What is this? Why am I crying?' You felt bad for Eren because he was a nice guy, but you didn't like him in that way. Sure, he was handsome and brave, but not someone you could give your heart to.
'What do I do now?'

Always By Your Side | Levi x Reader
FanfictionIt's been 2 years since you joined the Survey Corps. You developed a good relationship with others. You have never had a romantic relationship with anyone since the day you joined the Trainees Squad, however, you could never take your eyes off Corpo...