Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Williams P.O.V

Its raining, Its cloudy, and my best friend is on the ground, dying slowly.

I can' move or speak. I'm ti shocked to do anything really.

I finally get closer to Jake and begin to shake him slightly, also trying yo ignore the blood thats coming out of his stomach wound. He won't wake up. I begin to shake him a little harder this time. Still no movement.

"Jake. Jack...please...wake up." I plead as i begin to cry.

"Ops. didn't mean to do that." the demon, the demon that just made a hole in my best friends stomach, said with a slight laugh to his voice.

"You bastard!" I yell as i run to him and try to punch him in the face, but he just dodges.

"Hahahah! Very funny kid. You know what i can make a deal with you into bringing your friend back, but at a cost." the demon says.

"And why...should I trust you?" I ask angrily.

'He did this to Jack, and now he wants me to make a deal with him? Who the hell does he think he is?!'

"I'm a demon kid, thats who I think I am. Come on kid, remember, I cam read minds." he says, a smile plastered on his face.

"Shit up." I growl with frustration and hatred.

'He did have a point though. If I make a bet with him he'll bring Jack bake. But what's the price I have to pay?'

"Glad you asked kid. Well you want to your friend here to come back you have to become a demon and serve me. What da ya say? Deal?"The demon extends his hand towards me.

'Become a demon?'

I look to see Jacks bleeding, cold, dead, body on the ground. I cringe at the sight. This was my fault, its the least i can do.

"Deal." I say as I extend my hand to shake his.
He smirks at his accomplishment, I only glare back.

Blue flames start to revolve around me and all i could do is close my eyes. Once i reopen them I see the demon, still, smirking at me.

"Congratulations kid, your now an official demon."

'Really? I don't feel any different?'

As if he read my mind, which he probably did, she snapped his fingers and there appeared a mirror. I look to see my reflection but all i see is a golden triangle with one large eye, a bow toe, and a tall top hat.

"W-What did you do to me?" I asked in a panicked voice.

"What da ya mean kid. I said you'd serve me as a demon and you will, as a dream demon."

I turn back to look at Jake, expecting him to be awake, but he's still not moving off the ground. I lean over to check if hr has a pulse, he doesn't.

"W-What? Why is he still dead!?" I yell, turning red like my anger.

"What? All you said was that I had to revive him, you never said when."

I stair in shock at the demon.

'He tricked me!'

"Kid I didn't trick you, you just weren't specific enough."

I stair down at Jake, hoping to see any movement at all, but he didn't move. I wanted to cry but the way I look now, I really don't think I can.

"Now kid if you do follow me I'll bring him back, eventually." he said, that stupid smirk still on his face.


"Excuse me?"
"I said no! I won't be ordered by you until you bring my friend back!" I yell, my new body turning red once again.

"Damn brat." he said as he snapped his fingers.

The next thing I knew everything turned gray but we where now in a different place then before.

"W-What did you do!?"

"Well brat! If you wont go by the rules then you'll just have to stay here, but don't worry if your summoned you can go back." and with that he left me.

I didn't move for the longest time, all that went through my head was 'It's your fault.' and 'You killed you only friend.'

I couldn't save him, I let him die.

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