Pine Tree?

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*Bills POV*

I woke up with a major headache and it wasn't fun to deal with.

Sure messing and hurting Pine Trees body before was fun because the pain was going to later be given to him once he got his body back but....this was my body now? I was human now and I couldn't do anything to really stop it. Can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for the stupid trap in the first place.

I turn a little in the bed and grown when my body starts to hurt. Damn this is annoying. At least the blanket in top of him was warm and soft. Wait....... Blanket?

I open my eyes fully and quickly lifted myself into a sitting position on the bed. Which I soon instantly regretted as my entire body began to ache and the room was spinning. I was able to keep myself up right as I closed my eyes and waited for the world to stop spinning.

When I finally did open my eyes I saw that the room looked fairly familiar. It was the attic rom the Pine Tree and Shooting Star shared if I remembered correctly. There was moon light coming from the window so I was able to see a bit of my surrounding. Although there wasn't much to actually see. The walls were bland and nothing was hanging from them. The only thing of real interest was the small desk near the triangle shaped window and a journal, with a pine tree on it, sitting there. Along with a deer other pencils and papers spread on the small desk. Guess the kid decided to make his own journal.

But what the hell was I doing her. I don't remember coming here. And this was definitely the last place I was red to be at as I am now.

The Pines might have seen this as an opportunity to defeat him as he is now a human. So why? Then I remembered why.
Pine Tree had found me in the woods and I faintly remember him caring me. I didn't understand why though. Why did the kid help me? I've never done anything for him, so why...

I decided not to think to much about it and decided to leave before the brat thought that I would ow him a favor because of this. Dame could have left me there for all I care. I would have been completely fine with out his stupid help. The stupid kid would probably expect something from him now.

I swung my legs to the side of the bed and jumped off. I was only able to walk a few more feet before I tripped over something and violently landed in the floor. I was fortunately able to put my hands in front of me to lessen the impact but damn did it hurt. I take back everything I said about pain. It's no longer fucking fun and it's a pain in the ass. Stupid eyes and their inability to see well without light.

"Bill?" I turned around and saw that way I had tripped over was non other then Pine Tree himself. Just great. So much for leaving without anyone noticing.

"What are you doing?" Pine Tree asked, finally getting the sleep from his eyes and his brain seemed to be processing who was in the room with him.

"Well Pine Tree if you really must know I was on my way to your kitchen and was planing to stave you with a couple of forks." I said menacing the boy. I also gained widely to scare the kid.

It seemed to have worked for a while but then Pine Tree seemed to have relaxed. Realizing that I was human. That I had no powers. That I could do nothing to him and we were on equal grounds. Well he was wrong. I still remember how to fight even to the us day. If it's just Pine Tree I can win but if it's more that one or two people I can't win.

Was that why Pine Tree had brought him to the Shack? Was that the reason? Did he really see him as a weak human like he was? So weak that he had no reason to keep Bill from his family because he didn't seem like a threat? This was pissing him off. Why the hell had the kid helped him?

"Why'd ya help me kid?" I asked, more like I growled at Pine Tree.

"What?" He said as if he had no clue to what I had said.

"I said what had you helped me. I've never done anything nice for you so why?" I glared at Pine Tree as I waited for his response. He looked shocked at what I had said and seemed to be looking for the answer. Did he really have no reason?

"Pine Tree?" I tried pushing for the answer. It was stupid if the kid to help me so why. Not even the people who were my friends would have saved me. Especially not with the fact that I am now a human again. So why the hell had Pine Tree done it?

Pine Tree gulped down a lump he seemed to have formed and stayed quiet for a while longer. "I say how hurt and beat up you where that I couldn't just leave you there. Your human now right? I can't just leave another human to die no manger who that meat be."

I didn't expect that answer. I knew Pine Tree was a nice kid and a goofy to shoes but to actually help me because he felt pity...pissed me off. I didn't need his help and I'm not going to need it. I've been fine up till now without help so I can do this just fine.

"Well stop it then. Because I'm leaving and won't come back." I started to stand from the floor and walk towards the door before I was stoped by Pine Tree blocking the way.

"Hold on! I can't let you leave. I don't know what you will do out there Bill. I can't just let you rampage through town." What this kid serious? I have just lost all my powers, my daemon body, and my position or being a feared being and he thinks I can rampage through town. What a joke.

"Is that so. Do you feel the need to take care of this town so badly of me Pine Tree? Think whatever you want but I'm not staying here because of some pity you have because I'm human now. I can take care of myself and even if I can't you can finally rid yourself of me. Would it that be nice?" I said the last part with a large grin on my face. I knew it didn't look human rather with the way Pine Tree was staring at me.

I made a move to open the door but was once again stoped by Pine Tree. He had grabbed my wrist tightly in order to stop me. When I turned to look at him I couldn't see his eyes because they were covered by his bangs. I couldn't tell what he was feeling and I was about to pull my hand from his grip when he suddenly spoke.

"Bill you are human right?" He asked. At first I just stayed silent but then decided that there was no need to over think this.

"Yes. So why of it?"

"Do you have anywhere to go? Do you have any other clothes then the ones you had on? Do you even know how to cook?" I was confused. What was he asking? Why the hell did the kid care? So what wasn't it better off for him and even so he was t about to die like this. He was going to figure out how to bet his powers back and be on his way to torched the kid.

"Right now you are human and if I let you leave and you die somewhere I'll fell like I could have prevented it. Maybe your right. Maybe this is just pity. But damn it just take the pity and let me help!" I turned us both around, threw me onto the bed, put the blankets over me, and then went onto the floor to sleep him self.

.....What the hell had just happened?

Why was the kid helping? There was no point! This is way he hated humans because they have no reasoning! But he couldn't help but feel an emotion that he hadn't felt in a long time. And I fucking pissed him off that the one who had caused it was Pine Tree. The kid who had failed his plans again and again.

He had felt thankful to Pine Tree...and he hated it.

I hope you like this chapter. I know it's been a long time since I've updated and I don't know how This is going to go but...wish me luck. Again thanks for reading and hope you like the update.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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