Bill Cipher!?

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"Mabel!! MABLE!!!" I yell for my sister as I approach the Mystery Shack, carrying Bill Cipher on my back. I couldn't stop the bleeding very well so I decided to pick him up and take him to the Shack. I was afraid he'd do something at first but doesn't seem like he can do much of anything.
I call for Mabel a third time and she finally comes out of the Shack looking tried. It seemed Grunkle Stan and Ford we out because they didn't come out with her.
"What's wrong Dip- Oh god who's that!? Is he hurt!?" She says running thirds me and looking at the injured Bill. Once she saw how badly he was she let out a small gasp but then instantly helped me get him inside.
"What happened to this poor kid?" She asks me but I didn't know either. He just came up to me, without saying much, and then fainted because of his injuries. I don't even know how he was human!?
"I'm not sure myself but we're going to have to stop the bleeding if he's going to live." I begin to tell Mabel what to get and do as I begin to try and stop the bleeding.
*time skip*
We had finally stopped the bleeding after a few tiring and anxious hour. While we were trying to patch Bill up he would suddenly move violently in one direction, or he would accidentally smack me in the face with his foot or arm. Other than that he was still and silent the entire time. Mabel soon began to tell me multiple questions about the stranger I had found, and I couldn't bare to lie to her.
"Mabel I know who this boy is but your going to have to trust me and promise me you won't freak out. Ok?" Mabel at this point looked very concerned but still nodded.
"Ok, this is....he's..." I couldn't tell her, or more like I was afraid to tell her. I just brought in our worst enemy into our home. The enemy that harmed us both, yet I still helped him. I don't even know why.
"Come on Dip. Please tell me." She puts one of her hands on my shoulder to reassure me it'll all be alright, but I'm not so sure.
"Ok...ok. He's Bill Cipher. I- well he found me while I was investigating in the woods and when I heard his voice. When I turned a around this boy was in front of me leaning to be Bill, and had multiple injuries all over his body." I finally said. Mabel looked frightened of the boy at first but then looked sympathetic for Bill as she starred at his bandaged body.
"But why did you even help him?" She asked. I didn't even know the answer to that. And I hated it.
"I don't know. I really don't know what I was thinking at the moment. Maybe because he was human I thought I should help him? I'm just not sure."
"Honestly Dipper! We can't keep him here if he's Bill then. He could hurt us or someone, Grunkle Ford won't be happy!" Mabel yelled frontally at me as she pointed at Bill.
"I know I know. I don't really know what I was doing but he was hurt and weak and...I don't know!?" I say as I through my arms I the air in confusion. None being able to remember what exactly I was thinking when I helped Bill Cipher. Of all people why him!?
"I just don't know." I say quietly. I turn to look at the injured Bill on the couch. Why did I help Bill. Not like he's ever don't anything to deserve our help. So why? I turn to see Mabel when I here he sigh.
"Fine. Well deal with this in the morning. For the mean time he stays with you."
"What!!?" I tell in protest.
"You brought him here, you are responsible no buts!" I sigh, but agree. Mable helps me carry Bill into the attic room and onto my bed. I place a couple of blankets onto the floor, say good night to Mabel, and fall asleep in the blanket covered floor.
Dealing with Bill Cipher tomorrow? What's going to be something.

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