I Involuntarily Join Track&Field

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The beast was not like one I had ever seen.
To be fair, the worse beast I had ever seen was the Halden's Rottweiler after their three-year old son fed him Red Bull. But this was much, much worse than that.
It had the body of a lion, feet of a reptile, and a long, spiky tail. His coat was pure gold, and it glinted in the sunset. The colors in the sky seemed to be trapped in the spikes of his tail, making them a variety of colors from pink to orange. He looked like he had spent some time whacking the crap out of some Valentine's Day cards.
He was easily six feet tall when he was on all four, and under his mane was a humanoid face with dark intelligent eyes and fangs that looked like they hadn't seen a toothbrush since the birth of the Titans.
I heard Tyler pin a few choice words towards the monster under his breath.
I figured we had two different options; fight, or run while we had the head start.
Tyler stepped back, trying to get into a store next to us unnoticed, and accidentally snapped a twig that was laying on the side walk behind him. The monster turned, then started barreling towards us.
"Run!" Tyler yelled.
Well that settled that.
I ran faster than I had ever run before, Tyler on my heels, weaving through Bostonians that were window shopping. We pushed past a few, scared a couple, and knocked into a girl with pigtails and bright pink bows who exclaimed,
"Mommy! Look at the kitty!"
Kitty? I wondered how many times I had petted a cat that was actually a six hundred pound rabid beast who wanted to kill me.
I hoped not too many times, because I'm pretty sure my insurance plan didn't cover vaccinations for ancient mythical monster bites, and I guessed it wouldn't be a tax deductible.
I lost track of distance, but soon Tyler pulled me into a deserted alley and we stopped for a rest, wheezing and trying to find stamina that school gym class just can't provide.
"Game...plan?" he asked gasping for oxygen. Surprisingly, I was only a little winded. I guess it could be because I actually like to run, but I figured it was because I had godly power coursing through my veins.
Just your typical pre-run tradition before your typical run.
I cleared my mind and thought. No way did we have enough money to take a cab all the way to Nashville, and even if we did I doubted they'd take two kids that far. That left flying or taking a train, and I figured if we only had two weeks then we couldn't waste any time taking the ole steam engine.
There was an airport not too far from where we were, and I had an emergency debit card with $500 on it.
(no, it was a gift from my grandmother, not my parents)
If we could make it there...
Tyler straightened, finally going from gasping to just normal labored inhaling.
"C'mon," I yelled, "only a couple more miles!"

sorry guys for the shorter chapter. I'm really busy (you know how it gets) and in order to post more chapters I'm making them a lil shorter 👌🏼

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