73.Minho (SHINee)

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"Here, I got it." Minho grabbed your small suitcase and put it in the trunk then closed it. You both got in the car and he made his way to the highway. "Remind me again why you're dragging me to your high school reunion." You said. "I didn't even go to your high school." He sighed. "I just wanted someone to come along with me. I didn't stay in touch with anyone from high school so I didn't have anyone to carpool with." "Why didn't you stay in touch with them?" "It's a long story." He mumbled, keeping his eyes on the road. You and Minho met in college and instantly became friends. You two even live together, but just as roommates and friends. He wanted you to come with him to this reunion and since you had nothing better to do over the weekend, you agreed. The venue was about 4 hours away so Minho thought it would be best to get a hotel and go back home the next day. The trip felt a lot quicker than it sounded and you arrived at the hotel. "I'm sorry, but all of the two bed-room are unavailable. All we have left are one beds." The receptionist said. "Oh, that's alright. We can go somewhere else." Minho said. "No, let's just stay here. We don't have time to run around a hotels. It starts in an hour." You said. "Right, um, we'll take the one bed." The receptionist handed Minho the key cards and you went into the elevator. Once you got to your room, Minho opened the door and there was a giant king sized bed and you jumped and plopped down on it. "It feels good to lay down." You mumbled. You laid there for a minute before Minho shook your leg. "Weren't you the one who said we don't have that much time?" "Oh, right." You got up and went to your suitcase. Minho went to take a shower and while he was in the bathroom, you washed your face and put your makeup on. When you were done, Minho came out of the bathroom while you were stepping into your dress. "Oh, s-sorry." He said. "It's fine. You've walked in on me plenty of times before." You teased. His face turned red and he looked away a you finished putting your dress on. "Can you zip me up?" You asked, walking over to him. He grabbed the zipper with a shaky hand and pulled it up. "Thanks. Are you ready?" "Almost." He put on his black blazer and slipped his shoes on. "Wait." You went over and fixed his tie. You felt him tense and you looked up at him. "Relax, it's not like you're going to see a bunch of strangers." "That's not it." He mumbled. "What?" "Nothing." You put your heels on and grabbed your clutch. You passed the receptionist as you exited the hotel. "Aw, going on a date I see?" She asked, it was a different, older women this time. "Yup!" You grabbed Minho's arm. "Have a nice night!" She said. When you got in the car, Minho started it and looked at you. "Why'd you say we were going on a date?" He asked. "I didn't. The lady just assumed. I just went along with it. I mean, it is kind of like a date though, right? You're taking me to your high school reunion." You buckled your seat belt." "Oh, I guess you're right." It took about 20 minutes to get to the banquet hall and you saw a bunch of people walking in. "Ooh, I get to see all your high school friends!" You clapped and got out of the car. When you entered, there were a ton of people. You looked around at the unfamiliar faces. You felt someone brush against your shoulder as they walked by and you instinctively moved closer to Minho. "Hey, Minho!" You both turned your heads to see a rowdy group of men walking over to him. You felt him tense up again. "Hey man. It's been so long!" One of them said. "Yeah." Minho mumbled. "Wow! Look at you! I almost didn't recognize you! I still remember you being the smallest guy, always getting picked last for basketball." He said. The whole group of 5 laughed. "Oh! I remember one time when Minho fell off trying to do a pull up! The gym teacher yelled at him for being weak." They were laughing until they teared up. One of them suddenly punched Minho's arm and Minho pretended to laugh. "I see your reflexes are still pretty slow. But, have you been working out?" He grabbed Minho's bicep and squeezed it. You had a feeling that these guys weren't the nicest to Minho back in high school and they started to annoy you. You wanted to rub in their faces how well he was doing. "He has!" You said. "He works out a lot, sometimes I have to beg him to come home already." You said. They looked at you. "And you are?" "His girlfriend." You linked your arm around Minho's and squished your face against his arm. Their eyes widened and they looked you up and down. "You are his girlfriend? Whoa Minho! How did you manage to get a girl like her?" One said. "Yeah, back in the day you were too shy to even look at a girl." "Hey, uh, how is he in, you know what?" One asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Let's just say he leaves me unable to walk for a while." You said. They hollered out and started patting Minho. His face couldn't have been more red. As the night went on, you all made it to a table and sat down. "So, what did you decide to do with your life?" One asked. "Management." Minho said. They started nodding. "Not just any management, he's in line for the VP position at Gomen Enterprises." You said, which was true, but you wanted to rub it in their faces more. "Gomen? That's one of the most successful companies around these days." One said. They were obviously quite impressed. As the night ended, people started leaving and the group of guys were saying goodbye. "Well Minho, you turned out better than we thought you would. Um, good luck in life. Oh, and make sure you treat (y/n) well or else I might have to come a take her." He winked at you and you swear you threw up a little. "But I haven't seen you two kiss all night." You rolled you eyes because you knew where it was going. "Are we still in high school? Come here." You grabbed Minho's face and planted a kiss on his lips. "There. Goodnight!" The ride back to the hotel was quiet. When you got to the room, you kicked your shoes off and jumped on the bed. "Why did you do all that?" He asked. "I knew they were mean to you in school so I wanted them to see how well you were doing and rub it in their faces." You said. "But, why?" "Because you're my friend and they were annoying. I knew you weren't going to gloat so I did it for you" You said. He came and sat next to you. "Thank you." He said. "No problem." There was a minute of silence. "(Y/n), uh never mind." You sat up. "What?" "Nothing." You went over and loosened his tie for him. "What is it?" "About that kiss-" "Oh, I did that so that guy would leave it alone." He looked down. "Oh is that it?" "Yeah, you okay?" "I'm fine, I just, I actually kind of liked it." He said. Your eyes widened. "You did?" He nodded. "Look, it's not gonna be weird between us now, right?" "Why would it be? I liked it too." You said quietly. "R-really?" "Yeah." He pushed you back down on the bed and and got on top of you. "About what you said earlier. 'Let's just say he leaves me unable to walk for a while.' What do you say we make that part true?" You started smirking. "See, aren't you glad we got the one bed now?"

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