99.Woozi (Seventeen)

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Seulgi and I sat on my bed, playing with our phones while holding a conversation. 

"He's so weird," I said laughing. 

"I know right? Oh! Speaking of weird," She sat up and leaned on one of her hands, facing me. "Jihoon messaged me today saying he has to tell me something," She said. 

"Jihoon?" My ears perked at the name. I sat up and gave her my undivided attention. 

Jihoon is a friend of ours. He's undeniably cute and I kind of like him, but he has a girlfriend. It kills me a little to see them together, but I'm not a home wrecker, so I keep him at arm's length. Seulgi doesn't know I like him and I don't want her to know, not anyone. A guy named Mingyu is really into me, but I never gave him the time of day, until recently. Because I don't think Jihoon and I will ever be a thing, I'm trying to move on and go out with Mingyu. Jihoon and I used to text a lot before he got a girlfriend, then they became less frequent, probably for the best. 

"So, what was it?" I asked, hiding my pulsating curiosity. 

"I don't know yet. He said he'd rather tell me over the phone or in person," 

"Is it serious?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"I asked him that, he said "only if you make it serious haha," What is that supposed to mean?" 

"I don't know, I guess just call him," I said, shrugging. She looked down at her phone. 

"Speak of the devil, he's calling right now," She swiped the screen then put it on speaker. "Hello?" 

"Hey, Seulgi," His voice made my heart pound and I tucked my knees into my chest. 

"Seulgi? You're talking to a girl?" A female voice asked, his girlfriend. My heart stopped when I heard her. That means they're together right now. 

"Yes, it's just Seulgi, you know her," Jihoon said. 

"But we're together! Pay attention to me!" She whined. 

"Oh my god, just give me a second," Jihoon said, annoyed. Assuming that he got up and left the room, her voice started to fade. "Okay, I can talk now," He said. 

"Wow, Jihoon. Such a loving boyfriend," Seulgi said, laughing. Jihoon laughed along then cleared his voice. 

"Anyway, I have to tell you something," He said. 

"Right, what's up?" I looked away somewhere to try and calm my anxiety. Jihoon took a deep breath. 

"I think...I like...(y/n)," My eyes shot over to Seulgi who did the same to me. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute. It started aching and my stomach filled with butterflies. 

"I'm not here!" I whispered, making and X with my arms. 

"Uh, you like (y/n)?" She asked. 

"Kind of. The more I see her, the cuter she gets and she always makes me laugh," 

"But you have a girlfriend," She said. 

Shut up Seulgi! Let the boy talk! 

"Seulgi, you know I've been trying to break up with her for the longest time," He said. 

"Well then why haven't you yet?" 

"Because I don't want to me labeled as the bad guy. You know my girlfriend, she's obsessive. If I break up with her she'll probably go and cry to everyone that I beat her or something just to get me back," He said, sounding worried. 

That made me angry. He likes me, but his creepy girlfriend is holding him back. 

"Well just grow a pair and break up with her! If you're not happy, do something. Things won't change unless you change them. But if you ever need someone to back you up in court, I'm here for you bro," She said. Jihoon chuckled and sighed. 

"You're right, I should just break up with her," He sighed. "Alright, well I guess I'll see you at school," 

"Yeah, see ya. And good luck," Seulgi ended the call and took a deep breath. She then looked over at me and smirked. 

"W-What?" I asked. 

"So, Jihoon likes you," She wiggled her eyebrows then snapped out of it. "But since when? You don't even like him like that," I sighed and looked away. "Do you?" 

"Um, a little," 

"(Y/n)! You do? Why didn't you tell me?" I shrugged. "He's gonna ask you out soon," She said. 

"But what about-" 

"His girlfriend? Don't worry, I'll handle it," 

I didn't exactly know what she meant by that, but I left it alone and the next day at school I saw her skipping down the hall to me. 

"Oh (y/n)?!" She sang. "Guess who I just saw walking without his girlfriend?" Before I couldn't answer, she gripped my arm. "Jihoon!" 

"W-Well where is-" 

"I got her expelled," She smirked, crossing her arms. 

"You what? Why would you do that? How?" 

"I saw her last week doin' some nasty things with Seojun by the stairs and I took some pictures. I was waiting for the perfect time to expose her, what better time than now?" 

"Oh, w-well I-" 

"You're welcome. Oh! Here he comes! I'll see you later," She walked away and Jihoon was coming up to me. 

"Hey (y/n)," He said. 

"Hey Jihoon. I, uh, heard about your girlfriend. I'm sorry," He shrugged. 

"It's okay. I've been trying to break up with her anyway," He put his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet. "Can I tell you something?" He asked. 

"Yeah, sure," I waited paciently as he searched for the right words to say. 

"Um, I'm sorry if this makes you feel weird, but I think you're really beautiful, and funny, and you have an amazing personality. I like you (y/n)," He said, his face red. My face matched his in no time and my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I mean, I already knew, but it was different hearing him tell me directly. 

"I-I like you too," I mumbled, trying to hide my grin. 

"You do?" Jihoon smiled and rocked back on his feet once. 

"So, do you want to grab dinner or something?" He asked. 

"I'd like that," I said. 

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7," I nodded. "Alright, I'll see you then," 

When he walked away, I let out the breath I've been holding and Seulgi came back up to me. 

"So, how did it go?" 

"We're going on a date this evening," I said. She gasped. 

"I knew it would work! You guys are already so cute together. Now all we have to do is work on getting me a boyfriend," She clapped once. 

"Oh, Seulgi, I guess I do owe you one,"

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