113. Moon Bin (Astro) Part 5 - Finale

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I stood uncomfortably next to Vernon as Keemi was trying to (baldy) flirt with Bin. I felt Vernon look over at me, trying to look anywhere but the cringy sight in front of us and I looked back at him with a 'help me' look. He nodded once and finally spoke. "Um, Bin, Keemi, how about we go start ridding the rides, shall we?" They agreed and we all made our way to the first ride in sight. Naturally, the whole evening I rode with Vernon and Keemi with Bin. Eventually we all took a break to get food.

After stuffing our faces with carnival food, I had to take a bathroom break before continuing on the rides. I was a little weary of going by myself because I didn't want Keemi to lock me in the bathroom or something, but my bladder wasn't buying excuses so I went anyway. Even when Vernon and Bin went to the bathroom, Keemi stayed put. I shrugged and did my business. When I came out, Keemi was still sipping on her drink and when Bin came out, she tossed it to the side and grabbed Bin's arm. Why can't she just give him some space?

"Keemi, you gonna use the bathroom?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm fine."

"Okay," I dragged out under my breath.

After we rode the big rides one last time, we decided to end the night on a quite note by riding the Ferris wheel. Vernon felt bad that I didn't get to ride with Bin on any of the rides so he tried taking on for the team.

He casually slid his arm around Keemi. "How about you ride with me, huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She rolled her eyes and pushed his chest. "Never in a million years."

"Come on, I'm hot! What does Bin have that I don't have?" He whined. "Just ride with me!"

The two of them had a yelling match as it was getting closer to our turn while me and Bin were trying to get them to calm down. The worker looks 1000% done with shenanigans so he grabbed us and randomly shoved us on.

Bin and Vernon in one.

Me and Keemi in another.

I sat as close to the edge as I could. Keemi was sitting with her arms crossed.

"I can't believe this is happening," She muttered.

I rolled my eyes. Her breathing pattern started to change and she crossed her legs. I made a face as I looked at her. She squirmed in her seat and bit her lip.

"Um, you okay?"

"I'm fine," she spat, uncrossing her leg and bounced it.

I shook my head and sighed. "Are you sure you don't have to use the bathroom?"

"And leave you alone with Bin?! No thanks!" She yelled.

"But here we are, niether of us are with him." I said.

"It's your fault!"

My eyes widened. "How!?"

"It's just is! Oh my god I have to pee, get my off this ride!"

She started bouncing around, rocking the cart. I put my arms out and try and stop it.

"K-Keemi, calm down-"

"It's coming!"

"Keemi don't do it!"

"I'm doing it!"

"No! Not while I'm sitting-"

She started sighing in relief.

"- next to you,". I mumbled. "Oh my god."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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