Home made Tomato Sauce

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WOAH. I haven't updated my recipe book in 5 months! I'm so sorry guys... but I have some awesome new recipes!!

Today I'll show you how to make tomato sauce with just a few simple ingredients. You can use tomato sauce in plenty of different dishes like mozzarella sticks, pasta(of course) and etc.. and if you have left over you can freeze it or keep it in your fridge until your next use!

In this recipe you have the choice to use fresh herbs or dried and either canned or fresh tomatoes, it's just what you have on hand/in the kitchen. I've made the tomato sauce with both kinds and they turned out great. Just a disclaimer, if you use whole fresh tomatoes there will be a few extra steps to follow. I also used a red bell pepper in the sauce and I know its not really "traditional" but I really like the slight sweetness it adds and why not incorporate more veggies in your diet. So, I hope you enjoy this recipe and try it out!

P.S. on choosing what kind of tomatoes to use and some tips on making the best tomato sauce check this link out: www.seriouseats.com/2014/08/how-to-make-the-best-fresh-tomato-sauce-summer-spaghetti-sauce-which-tomatoes-to-use.html


~1 can of whole tomatoes or about 4-5 fresh large tomatoes (see link for what kind to use)-

I used about 3 different tomatoes when I made the sauce with fresh ones

~½-1 tsp dried oregano or fresh- (optional)

~½-1 tsp of dried basil or 3-4 leaves of fresh basil- torn/chopped

~1 tsp salt&pepper-(more or less depending on your taste)

~1/2 tbsp sugar- (optional)

~2-3 whole cloves garlic- minced

~1 small or half a large onion-chopped

~1 small red bell pepper or half a large one- chopped into small pieces(optional)

~1 ½ tbsp. olive oil

(Skip if using canned tomatoes)

-If you are using fresh whole tomatoes:

Heat a pot of water about halfway full until it starts to boil.

Wash and remove any stems from the tomatoes and then score only the skin with an x on the bottom so, it is easier to remove later on.

Prepare an ice bath: put some ice cubes into a bowl and fill with water and set aside.

Carefully drop the tomatoes in the boiling water and leave them there for about 30 seconds to a minute depending on how large your tomatoes are.

Using a slotted spoon carefully take them out and place into the ice bath.

When the tomatoes are cool enough to handle peel of the skin and put them in a separate bowl.

If you like you can cut out the part where the stem was because usually that part if tough and won't really cook down-(optional because we are going to blend anyway)

So, what we are doing is called blanching our tomatoes which is slightly cooking them but not to much that they turn mushy. We cooked them just enough to remove the skin.



-Chop your onion and bell pepper and peel then roughly mince your garlic cloves.

-Heat a pot or low saucepan over a medium and add the olive oil. Sautee your garlic until fragrant then add the onion and bell pepper. Cook until onion is translucent and bell pepper is soft.

-Add your seasonings and herbs (if using fresh basil add it near the end) and stir to evenly coat.

-Now, add your canned tomatoes and if you are using fresh cut the whole tomatoes in half and put a few tablespoons of water in, about 4-6 tbsp.

~Give the pot a stir with a wooden spoon, cover it and let it simmer over a medium heat for 8 minutes just to let the tomatoes breakdown.

~After 8 minutes stir it again and let it simmer uncovered for another 8 minutes stirring once in a while .

~Finally, turn down the heat to low and using the back of your wooden spoon crush any tomato chunks still left and simmer for 10 minutes (I promise we are almost done!!!).

~ When the 10 minutes are done TASTE IT. Add any extra seasonings if you think it needs it.

If it taste a little too sour to me I like to add ½ a tablespoon or a little more of white sugar. Just to sweeten it because with Filipino spaghetti it's more on the sweeter side than sour but, just adding a small amount of sugar I think it has just the right balance between sweet and sour. (AGAIN THIS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL!!)

So, now our tomato sauce it done! HALLELUHJA! But not quiet yet. You can definetly leave it just as it, I bet it taste great;) but I like to blend so it's not so "chunky".

If you are going to blend it, you HAVE TO LET IT COOL! Before you put it in the blender because you could cause a DANGEROUS explosion and who would want to ruin all your beautiful faces!<3


Make sure the sauce is not too hot because you could burn yourself.

~ladle the sauce into a blender and fill it to only about one third to half way full. (its easier and SAFER to blend in batches)

~Do not completely cover! Absolutely make sure there is a small space for the steam to escape and blend.

You can blend all of the sauce or just half so u have a combination of chunky and smooth. Again your choice!

NOW. Our beautiful tomato sauce is done!:)))

Add it too any pasta dish of your choice, use it as a dipping sauce, keep it in the fridge or freeze it, put it on your vegetables, bathe in it...jk,jk :P do whatever with it but I do have a great pasta recipe coming up that will use this tomato sauce!

I really hope you guys try this recipe out and wait until the next update for my chicken pasta recipe:)!!


Also COMMENT and VOTE!1!1!1 tell me what you think about this recipe, if you would add or change anything, i'd Love to hear it!:) <3 thanks☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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