Summer Burgers w/ Grilled Onions

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Hi it's Anne!! i have burger recipe for guys feel free to change some things to your liking and obviously this burger is'nt only suppose to be made in the Summer it can be enjoyed any time of the year! Also when I made this recipe i didn't use exact measurements so I'll try and "wing it" for meausrements. So I hope you like it and try it out! :D

INGREDIENTS: makes 4 burgers

2lbs of lean or regular ground beef (I used lean & it was fine)

1 red onion

dried oregano about 1/2 a tbsp

fresh chopped parsley 1 tbsp or so

1 egg yolk

salt 1/2 a tsp

ground pepper 1/2 a tsp

garlic powder 1/2 a tsp

worchestershire sauce 1 tbsp

iceburg lettuce

1 large tomato

tomato ketchup

mayonnaise (optional)

seseme seed burger buns

4 slice of cheese (optional)


1.In a large bowl using clean hands mix together your ground beef, oregano, garlic powder, parsely, egg yolk, worchestershire sauce, and salt &pepper (don't over mix your meat because you'll end up with a tough burger)

2.To make your patties equally divide the ground beef into four balls and flaten them make sure they're a little wider than the burger bun and also make sure they're not very thick either because when you cook them they will shrink and "puff" up, then cover with plastic wrap until ready to cook.

3.Next wash and slice the tomato into discs and wash and tear the lettuce leaves. Then slice the red onions into rings and set on to seperate plate.

4.Heat your grill to 200F degrees and grill onions until soft and browned.

5.For the burgers turn the heat up to 300F degrees and cook patties to derserved doneness then place cheese on top of pattie until melted and then place on to seperate plate and cover with foil.
TIP: when cooking burgers resist the urge to press the patties for faster cooking becuse if you do you'll loose all the juices from the burger that will keep it moist .

6.Then toast the burger buns and your ready to assemble!

7.First on your bottom burger bun spread some mayo on then add your grilled onions then place your burger pattie, place your tomato and lettuce and finally on your top bun spread some ketchup and then your done. ENJOY!

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