Painting on the Walls

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There once was a little girl who lived with her mother. The little girl loved to paint. She painted until she ran out of paper and then moved onto the walls. Her mother on the other hand hated her daughter's horrid habit. "If you're going to paint then you must learn to paint like the great Picasso himself", she would say. Well, one day she decided that on her mother's 40th birthday she was going to surprise her with the best mural ever on her wall. She focused on every detail and made sure her mother didn't step into the room until the time was right.
On the big day she brought her mother in to see the beautiful masterpiece she worked so hard on. The beautiful colors swirled together the blues complimenting greens and purples. Truly a work of art, but still her mother thought it was a disaster. "This is what you've been working on?!"the mother shouted. "Yes mother isn't it wonderful! It's my birthday present to you!" "It's hideous! This is just like your birth painful, ugly, and hardly worth the time and energy!" "But mother I~" "You've done enough!" Hearing this brought the girl to tears...and to madness. "YOU YOU TERRIBLE WOMAN! I'M I'M TIRED OF YOU NEVER APPRECIATING MY ART! ALWAYS THROWING AWAY MY MOTHER'S DAY CARDS TO YOU AND ALL OF MY DRAWINGS!" " Now dearie if you'd listen~" "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME YOU OLD BAG OF HATE! I'M GOING TO CREATE THE BEST PAINTING THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN! "Then show me!" "I WILL! This is something I should've done long ago!" The girl reached into her paint stained apron and pulled out a knife. "Let's start by opening the paint.." She grabbed her mother and cut a big hole in her stomach. She then picked up a paintbrush and dipped it into her new paint. Her mother screaming in pain as she continued to swish the paintbrush inside of her. One week later the girl disappeared along with her mother and the gory scene. All that was left behind was the most beautiful painting that was later discovered by the bill collector. The house was then turned into a tourist attraction. Everyone was taking about the mystery behind the anonymous artist and especially how the blood red tied everything together perfectly...

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