You Forgot Me

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They were perfect together. They were happy together. They were in love with each other... Or so everyone thought because what happened that night was unpredictable. She was broken. She was too different. She was insane... She made him promise. He was sweet. He broke the lock. He promised... He still forgot. It all started out so sweet with an innocent love. After months of getting closer to him she had finally won his heart. Everything started out wonderful the two had never been happier in their life. Of course there were minor bumps in the road but they easily got over them. After some time together the girl decided she could trust her love and that she'd never let him go. To make sure he felt the same she made him promise, he promised he would never let her go and never leave her. The girl of course in this love induced ignorance believed him and was thrilled that she didn't have to be alone anymore. She wasn't going to be left behind anymore. Then the texts got shorter, the days got lonelier , and the hope faded away. She wasn't going to give up though, no not this easy. So she waited for her love to return to her. She waited... He was having the time of his life but something felt like it was missing. He shrugged it off and kept about his ways too busy to talk to the girl he had once loved. He had better things to do... Each day the girl grew weaker and weaker she had tried to reach her love but it was to no avail. Then she cracked... How could he do this to her? She wasn't perfect but her love for him was pure, captivating, suffocating...
He would have to pay the price. The price of broken promises and an abused heart. She wore her black dress for death was approaching. There was a knock at the door and when it opened his heart stopped. He remembered... All of his feelings for her were brought back to life. How could he forget? They spent the whole night together renewing their forgotten love. He planned to be there for her from now on and thought maybe they could live together like they used to talk about. Soon they had fallen asleep together. The next morning she was gone he went to his living room to discover she had hung herself. Next to her was a note that read:
You broke your promise and now you will suffer. Let the guilt eat you up each day until you die and you'll know how I felt each day without you. Killing yourself is not an option I've hired some people to make sure you live. All I asked was that you love me but you failed to do so. Let's see you forget me now my love...
She was dead. He was broken. Their story was forgotten...

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