Little Girls

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It would be his last killing, but he thought it was only the start. The creepy stalker walked towards the little girl picking flowers. "Hello there."the man said with a smile. The little girl noticed the man and stopped picking flowers. "I see you like flowers." The girl nodded slowly. "I have a beautiful garden at my home. If you come with me you can pick as many as you want and keep them." Unaware of the danger the little girl said yes and drove with the man to his house. "I don't see any flowers." the little girl remarked. "That's because they're in the backyard. We can go through the house and out the back." The girl then followed him into the house but the girl was puzzled when they didn't go outside. "Why aren't we going to see the flowers?" she asked. "Because there are no flowers. This is where it ends...I've got you trapped in my home and nobody is going to save you." He pulled out his knife but didn't swing yet...the man felt a cold chill as the little girl smiled and laughed instead of cowering with fear. "That's where you're wrong..I'm the one who's got you..." Suddenly there was a crash and the lights went out followed by the screams of the man. When the lights came back on the man was hanging from the ceiling guts dripping out of his stomach...and in his mouth was a blood stained rose.

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