Holding Hands

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There once was a girl who had fallen in love with her guy best friend. Everyday she would watch his free hands sway limply at his side without anything to hold. She wanted to change that and give them something to hold onto, she wanted to hold his hand but how could she? Would he actually like her or just be faced with rejection? All she prayed for was one hand hold and that if she ever got it she would never let go. Well dispite her usual bad luck it turns out he liked her too and the two became lovers. She was overwhelmed with joy that she could finally hold his hand and as she promised she never let go... The boy smiled excited to be with his love and played with her fingers as they held hands. It was then that the boy told her he had to go home , but she wouldn't let go. He couldn't pry her hand off and he could see she wasn't giving in. He then decided it was okay because he truly loved her and thought it would be nice to be able to always be with her. A week passed however and he began loosing his mind. Everywhere he went she was with him, never being able get the slightest bit of privacy, a moment to dwell alone in his thoughts , not one second to himself. Finally over the edge of madness he found the solution...his arm was useless anyways with her there the only way was to get rid of the attachment. Grabbing a knife, he cut it off while the girl slept. Unfortunately he couldn't hold in his screams and the girl woke up. "You said we would be together forever.... How could you betray me when I stayed true to my words by never letting go...It's okay my darling all is forgiven I will continue to stay true to my words while making you stay true to yours.." He tried running but he wasn't fast enough and the girl grabbed hold of his other hand. With excruciating pain in his shoulder without an arm and nothing left to live for he decided death was the best way out. Within seconds he passed out from blood loss, sadly he woke up instead of it ending there it only got worse. " Good morning darling hope you had a nice nap I have a suprise for you! Try moving your arms." That is when he discovered his arm was attached to him again. Doing as he was told , he moved them and screamed in terror as he realized their hands had been sown together. "Now we can starve together and when we die they'll bury us together and when our corpses are in the coffin they'll be holding hands together forever and always... You should have listened when I said I'd never let you go."

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