Broken Heart

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She stole him away from me. We were friends, but now she's turned. It was clear that he liked her and he ignored me like I was invisible. All day he would laugh at her jokes, text her during school, and worst of all get close to her. They weren't dating, but she knew he liked her and still did nothing. I knew him longer. I was his friend...but I was's like I said no guy would ever love me, but I was stupid enough to have a tiny bit of hope. He doesn't even have a clue and he just waits for me to go so he can get close to her. I've had enough! They broke my heart and it was time I got another. I finally went insane... the next time I saw them I grabbed her and quickly pinned her down. Showing her the knife I said "This is for stealing my love!" Slowly I cut open her chest and pulled out her heart. Now he finally payed attention to me. " I love you. I always have. I'll forgive you see I have a heart now.." "I can't love you you're insane!"he screamed. Suddenly he started crying for his lost love. " After all I've done you still don't love me?! I did this for you... is it because I don't look like her?! Huh?! I can change!" I cut off her face and placed on mine. "See!?" All he did was scream in horror. " Fine. But if I can't have you nobody can!" I then cut his heart out kissing him during the process to try and silence his screams. Then it was silent I stood up and stared at him. "Goodbye my love..." I now keep his heart in a chest where it can be protected forever...

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