The Unfinished Story

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Now you've probably heard this many times before but for the ones who haven't let me enlighten you. Children can see things adults usually can't. By this I'm not talking about them having fresh and better eyesight I'm taking about what lurks in the shadows. They believe in everything at this time and usually attract the darkness or the dead. As you get older you start to lose belief and your power with it, however there are some cases in which adults also see the ghosts and ghouls. But the real key to the other side is children. All those "imaginary" friends, monsters under the bed, the man in the corner, or what about the one who watches them in the night. I can guarantee that they are all 100% real. Though this all may seem bad there is also a good. Some ghosts may be just looking for company or trying to save you from danger.

She stops reading and closes the laptop. "OK" she says to herself, "maybe this is a nice ghost." "Rosemary can you come here please?" The little girl walks out of the closet behind her and says, "I have to get ready for Sam's arrival. He has a surprise for you ya know..."she giggles and skips away. About an hour later the little girl squeals. "Sam is here! Sam is here!" At first the girl thinks nothing of it just trying to understand the situation. Her thoughts are quickly interrupted by scraping on a door. All of a sudden a man walks out of the closet and says ,"Hello I'm Sam. And I have a surprise for you." His teeth were covered in blood, white makeup of his face,his eyes like two black marbles piercing into the depths of her mind, and on his right hand an axe dripping with blood. Slowly he raised the axe, "Surprise!" And her head rolled to the floor and next to her laptop.

Before assuming there is paranormal activity involved it is best to check the house first. Some murderers will pretend to be your child's imaginary friend and drive you nuts just before the kill. Always check the house. Never try to face them alone either.
If only she had finished reading before it was too late...


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