The Big News.

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On the news I saw my house engulfed in flames. The reporter said that it wasn't the first house that say to be set on fire that day and it none of them started naturally. Someone was setting houses on fire. Then they showed some of my friends houses. Someone was setting them on fire on purpose and targeting me and my friends.

And they were succeeding. All of my friends were gone except for one. My friend Kyara was in the hospital getting her burns checked. apparently she was lucky to because she was in her kitchen which is right by a door but her sister and mom were upstairs.

'Who would do that to someone?" Joey asked in a disbelieving voice.

I looked at him and saw shock all over his and Daniel's faces, "someone who wanted revenge on someone."

"Why would you think that? It could be really dry there." Joey said trying to be more optimistic.

I looked at him and saw my vision start to blur. "because I'm friends with all of the houses that burned. and my house was burned too." I said in a shaky voice. I could no longer see anything. I wanted to run and locked myself in my room and never come out. I wanted to go home and hug my mom. I wanted to tell my family that I loved them. I wanted to do the things I know I would now never get to do.

I felt someone hug me but was incapable of seeing who it was. but I didn't care. I broke down. I thought of every moment I shared with my family and my friends I would no longer see. I thought of what it'd be like if I decided to join them. I thought of my friend Kyara who now had no family because of me. I thought of all the people who were gone now because of me.

What felt like hours later I bring tears to my eyes, I felt exhausted and dehydrated. I already had a problem with drinking enough water so I got headaches very often, but because of how much I lost my head hurt so much it felt like someone just hit it with a sledgehammer.

Then the person that was hugging me let go. I felt alone again. I wiped my eyes and let my eyes adjust slowly. I saw the person in front of me was Joey.  Under any other conditions I would be freaking out, but now all I could do was stare at him and he stared back, then he smiled and looked at Daniel then back at me and said, "you can stay with us. We'd be happy to have you as a part of our family."

They both were smiling now along with everyone and else in hearing distance. And that was the last thing I could remember. Everything went black.

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