Gonna start writing again

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Hey guys I've gotten almost everything figured out now so I'll be updating this story again soon! It's only going to be a few chapters to end off the story though. I will be starting the next chapter later today or tomorrow. Sorry it was taking forever, I don't really watch Joey's videos anymore so I didn't want to write about it really (the next few updates might not be as accurate as I'd like them to be). Also if you like kpop I'll be writing some stories about some of my favorite groups (BTS, Astro, Got7 SF9) on Bahna1 with my friend and maybe one on this profile by myself. When I finish the last chapter for this story I might Have one more chapter explaining what they'll be about more.

Also this story has 4.3k views and 98 votes! That's crazy, Thank you! It's already went up 0.2k views in just 8 hours!

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