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Kyara will be out of the hospital soon. But even knowing that doesn't help. Everyone else is dead, and it's all my fault, Kyara is in the hospital because of me. Joey and Daniel are awesome, but they're also making me realize how much I miss having siblings, and a mom. Especially a mom, yesterday I tried explaining to Joey that I needed certain things. Worst. Conversation. Ever. 

To stop so much confusion on having two dads I started calling Joey mom. So now whenever I say "dad" I wont get two answers. When I first started saying it Joey seemed a little shocked and Daniel couldn't stop laughing. 

I just woke up and it's 10:30, which is weird for me because I usually wake up at 6:00 because of school. But lately I've been sleeping a lot more than normal. I also used to go to bed at about 6:00 so I can spend the least amount of time with them as possible so I end up getting around twelve hours of sleep but not lately, I've been staying up until around 9:00 so I could spend more time with mom and dad, but yesterday Kyara was supposed to get out of the hospital and Skype me so we all stayed up late waiting but the call never came, I ended passing out around 11:30 and I'm so tired now.

I can hear mom and dad talking downstairs but I don't want to go down there. Part of me wanted to go down there but another just wanted to stay here under my blankets, never get up and just slowly fade away.

                                  *                                *                                       *                                          *

I stared out the window wishing that the sun would magically disappear and be replaced by the moon so I could go back to sleep but it didn't. I just stayed there staring at different things in my room. Then there was a knock at the door and mom asked if I was awake. I didn't feel like I was, everything seemed so fake, so unreal, but I wasn't going to say that. Instead I formed the word yes on my lips but couldn't will them to come out. Joey opened the door and peeked in and saw I was awake and smiled but not to long after it disappeared.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

I still couldn't will anything out, then tears came for no reason as he came over and sat on the edge of my bed. I couldn't do anything but just stare at him and let my salty weakness keep coming. 

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice. "It's not about last night is it? She'll contact you as soon as she can."

I finally was able to move and without even thinking about it I was hugging him and completely breaking down, I felt so numb, like if even a brick were to smash into my face I wouldn't feel it. Daniel came in and silently sat with us too. I couldn't help but thinking back to when it would be my friends instead of Joey and Daniel in their places and started to cry harder thinking about missing them and there was nothing I could do to see them again.

If they ever said anything then I couldn't hear it, I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't feel anything. I stopped slowly after what felt like hours but probably wasn't and pulled away from Joey to see his face was red and puffed up just like mine likely was, I turned to see Daniel looked just about the same. Ashamed I just stared at the ground. Once again there was just silence but then I heard a sound so amazing I jumped up from my bed and ran to were I left my laptop on my desk and saw the words I've been waiting for.  "Kyara Andrews. Calling..."

Adopted by Joey and DanielWhere stories live. Discover now