The Butterfly Effect

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I was unable to speak. They were standing next to each other holding hands and looking at me. Why would they care so much to let me be part of their family? They didn't even know me, yet they'd still take me in. I smiled and ran the short distance between us and hugged them both, and they hugged me back.

I started to think about all the little things that lead up to this. Me and my family were never close. I always tried to find ways to get them to leave me alone. Then I realized when I read they normally didn't talk to me. so I started reading all the time. I read at least three books a week. I loved reading the stories of other imaginary characters, I knew they were fake yet I still always pretended they were real, I cried when they died, I smiled when they were happy, and I laughed at their jokes. I had dreams where I met them and they became my friend.

I eventually read all of the fiction books in my library so I moved on to non-fiction. I didn't think id like it at first but after awhile I enjoyed learning how the things around me worked. I wanted to learn about everything. I went from being one of the dumbest kids in my class to the smartest. I got bullied for it but I never cared. To me it was worth it to know how things worked.

One day I heard this girl, Hannah, talking to some guy I cant remember his name though. Hannah was helping him with his homework and she was telling him something incorrect, I could tell she liked him so I figured I'd help her. But when I went over there and told them what it actually was he asked me to help him instead. Since then Hannah has hated me. She thinks I stole him from her. But I never liked him, I liked this girl we talked a lot. Her name was Jenny, she was kind, funny, and beautiful. But she was friends with Hannah. Hannah tried ruining my life.

She started spreading rumors about me until I had very few friends left. Jenny stopped talking to me. One day she figured out I liked Jenny somehow. she told her. And that's how I got called a whore by my crush. I cut all the time but that was the first time I tried killing myself. Of course I didn't succeed though.

My friends knew I was starting to get worse. They tried helping me. They told me things they did when they got sad. One of my friends told me they watched Joey Graccefa's videos on YouTube, he was gay and he said it helped to hear from someone else that was gay and mostly accepted (everyone has haters). I loved watching him. After awhile I started watching other youtubers and realized there were ALOT of good ones. I wanted to help people the way that they helped me. I made my own YouTube channel and went by a different name so the people who hated me wouldn't find me. I wanted to have a new start to be accepted.

I wanted to meet the person who inspired me to make my own YouTube channel and help me figure out who I wanted to be.

Adopted by Joey and DanielWhere stories live. Discover now