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Although I got no comments :( on my last chapter, I have AN AMAZING NEW IDEA!!!!

How many of you have seen Alice In Wonderland, but the Johnny Depp version? If you haven't OMFG you have to.

Anyway.... I was thinking of basing it on that, but including 5sos... I know it's confusing and you probably think I'm crazy, but I'm not. I have a plan. (Mwahahahaha!)

Here's the first chapter.. So far... It WILL get better because I know what gonna happen and stuff, but please comment what you think, and if you do like it so far, stay with me (coz you're all I need) and yeah. I'll carry on with it lol. Okay. Here it is so far...

Chapter One: Teenagers.

✖ Ashley's P.O.V ✖

"TEENAGERS SCARE THE LIVING SHIT OUTTA ME!" I sing-yelled, my headphones covering my ears and blasting My Chemical Romance's Teenagers perfection into them.

I was walking down my street, heading towards the new Starbucks on the corner. The street was deserted, and why waste a perfectly amazing song, when you can sing it out loud? Exactly.

My breath clouded in front of my face as I walked, my fingerless gloved hands clasped around my phone.

Although my hair was held back by some skeleton hand clips, it was still being blown around, obscuring my vision. I reached to clip it back into place when my hand caught on something warm and cup like.

Holding my hair out of my eyes, I met the sight of a coffee, spilling a pool onto the floor around the cardboard cup it came in. Oops.

My eyes landed on a pair of black Doc Martins, and I followed them up, past the black ripped skinny jeans, over an army-like jacket and onto a handsome face. I was stood there in shock, before realising what had happened.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I couldn't see where I was going because of my hair and I knocked your hand and oh my god, I'll buy you a new drink! I'm sorry." I rambled on. The stranger giggled. My piercing blue eyes caught in the guy's hazel ones.

"I'm Ashton." the stranger giggled again, holding his hand out. I shook it. It was warm in contrast to my freezing ones. "And it's okay, I'm not really in the mood for a coffee at the moment. I'd prefer a hot chocolate." he said. My response was delayed. My god, he was hot.

"Um, yeah, sure." I managed to say, "Happy Halloween." I added. It was still two days away, but it's my favourite holiday by far.

"Happy Halloween," Ashton replied as we made our way into Starbucks. "and you still didn't tell me your name."

"Ashley. Ashley Kingsley." I said as we stood in the queue.

"Ashley. Like the girl's version of Ashton." Ashton laughed. I love his laugh already. "You know, this isn't exactly how I imagined meeting a hot girl. Surely it should've been the other way - me buying you coffee?"

We laughed in unison, but my laugh was half-hearted. I was too busy thinking about what he said. HE JUST CALLED ME HOT! AAAHHHHH!!!

Before any of us said anything else, it was our turn to order.

"Could I have a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and cream, please." I asked. The girl behind the counter replied with a quick "Sure," and wrote down my order.

"And could I have the same please." Ashton said. The girl nodded.

Soon, we had our hot chocolates, and after I paid, we sat down at a table.

"So, Ashley, what were you listening to before we bumped into each other?"

My headphones were still around my neck after I had pulled them down to apologise.


"You like My Chemical Romance?" Ashton asked, surprised.

"Um... Yeah?" I said, not sure how he would reply. Next to nobody had the same taste in music as I do - that I know of anyway.

"No way. Me too!"

That's when I decided to start with my questions.

"What about Nirvana?"

"Yes. Nirvana is literally my life."

"Green day?"

"What, have I never lived? Of course I like Green Day."

"The Beatles?" I asked, narrowing my eyes a little. If he doesn't like the Beatles, then I'm gonna bombard him with all of their songs. Although they are an "old" band, they used to be my dad's favourite and I grew up around their songs.

"The Beatles?" he asked.


"Are they that British band from the 60's?"

"Yep." I said again, popping the p.

"I know some of their songs from my childhood." At least he knows who they are. That's good enough.

We talked for a good half an hour. Halfway through, we ordered another few drinks and this time, Ashton payed.

"Well, I have to go." Ash said. He looked sad to have to leave.

"So do I, I was supposed to go shopping but I can't be arsed." I replied. He laughed, his eyes twinkling.

"Can I borrow your hand for a sec?" he asked. Confused, I replied with a "Sure."

I felt something cold go along the back of my hand as it lay on the table. I couldn't see what was happening because Ash was making sure I couldn't see by hiding it with his hand.

"Bye." he said, giving me a little wave before walking out of the shop.

I muttered a "Goodbye." back, glancing at my hand and chuckling.

He had written his number on it with a pen he must have had in his pocket. Next to it he drew the Nirvana smiley face.

My grin spread as I walked out of the Starbucks.

I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time I saw Ashton.



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