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Reasons why I don't like Asparagus:

1. She cheated on Bryan (her boyfriend).

2. She skipped out on paying the rent on her and Bryan's shared apartment.

3. She broke up with Bryan over the fucking phone instead of face to face.

4. She's known for using celebrities for fame.

5. Someone who knew/knows Bryan revealed that Arzaylea used to always have Bryan to pay for everything, right down to her makeup.

6. They also said that she was verbally abusive with him when they got into arguments, like she would always bring up his anxiety and use it against him, and tell him she doesn't need him. Then she'd be crying the next day saying that she didn't mean it and yadda yadda yadda, and he'd forgive her because he loved her so damn much.

7. Apparently she forced Luke to smoke weed, I don't know if this is true or not though, apparently when he said no to it, she called him names like pussy and shit like that.

8. She likes to rile the Fandom up, for example, wearing a shirt identical to Luke's, even though it wasn't his but she made the Fandom believe it anyway.

9. She's racist.

10. She jokes about being a lesbian because she says she had female celebrity crushes, which is actually offensive to lesbians.

11. She's always drunk - even at like 11am.

12. She lies like all the time.

13. She loves hate, she practically thrives off it.

14. On that video of Luke and her kissing at an All Time Low concert, is it just me, or does it look like she's forcing him to kiss her? Like, Luke keeps pulling away, and she keeps pulling him back in.

15. She messaged horrid things to the fans.

You probably hate me for constantly going on about her but I really don't trust her, because if she goes breaking Luke's heart, I'm not being funny, but god knows what he'll do.

Okay, rant over :-)

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