5th November

118 1 5

Hey guys, don't worry. I'm updating. I know I haven't updated for a week or two, but life's a bitch, especially for me and I know that's a shit excuse, but hey! (everybody!)

Okay, bonfire night is tonight, or Guy Fawkes Day, and I wanted to know who celebrates it (eg. Sets off fireworks...maybe has a bonfire...etc...). For any who might not know what bonfire night is, it's basically about a guy (called Guy) who planned to blow up the houses of Parliament (in England) using gunpowder (which is in fireworks) and got caught, and hung, drawn and quartered. (Hung until inches from death, while still alive, stretched until bones cracked and skin tore, and then cut into pieces...also whilst still alive...yeah, and the English aren't violent...)

Okay, so bonfire night isn't as nice as it sounds really...but you know.

To make things fun, comment your favourite song and I'll listen to it and reply back with what I thought :-)

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