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"Now I see where you get it from." He looked at me.

"Shut up." I laughed, looking down. He chuckled.

I whined "I don't want I go back to class." "Me either." He sighed.

"Come on, we can just go over to your house now." I started to pull him the other way.

"Wait, wait!" -He pulled back- "But we still have two hours of school."

"And? Its called ditching for a reason." I told him.

"Ditching? Isn't that bad?" I giggled at him.

"You're too cute. Come on, I know a way to get out, without getting caught." I saw him blush.

I led him to a staircase that only school staff were permitted on. It led to a room upstairs that had a door, since our school was built on a hill. Jonathan held the door open for me and we walked to my car.

"I feel like a badass." He said, as he leaned back into my car seat.

He smiled when I said "Get used to it. If you're gonna be hanging out with me, the feeling will come more often."


"So, that's the eye piece, those are the adjustment knobs, and the other knobs are the fine adjustment knobs." Jonathan just got done showing me the parts of the microscope for my biology quiz.

"But what's that?" I questioned, pointing to my paper.

"That's the stage, and those things on them are called the stage clips."

"So, it's like what preforming arts people preform on?"

"Not exactly, but that's a way to remember it." He smiled.

"I always wanted to be in theatre." I admitted to him.

"Then go for it." Jonathan told me.

"I would, but my friends would make fun of me." I said, embarrassed.

"That's the thing with you, you care too much of what people say. Look at me, I could give less of a shit of what people think of me." He pointed to himself.

"I wish I could be like that, but I just can't." I said.

"Sure you can. You just need to learn that your whole life isn't about caring about what people say or think about you. Honestly, those people aren't going to be there for you when you graduate, therefor their opinions aren't going to matter. Their opinions aren't going to get you a job, their opinions aren't going to get you a house and so on. You're really going to let those people who you call 'friends', pressure you into not going things that you want too because it's 'not cool?'" He explained. Jonathan was right, I can't go around basing my life on what people think.

"I've never even thought of it that way, you know what? I'm going to start not caring. Say something insulting to me." I gave him the go-ahead.

"Okay, um-" He thought for a second "- those shoes make you look like you have big ankles?" It came out in a question.

"Excuse me? These shoes cost more than your outfit, so if I were you-" I started but then stopped myself. "Oh, sorry. I meant to say, I respect your opinion." I said decently.

"You're getting better." He shook his head in improvement.

"What do I need work on most. Like, what's the worst about me?" I asked.

"Is not that you're bad, you're just more cocky than most people." He honestly stated.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"You tend to think that just because your richer than most people, that you're better."

"But I am richer than most people." I rudely said.

"We all know that, but you don't have to rub it in people's faces all the time, with your expensive things and popular attitude." He calmly said. I respected that he wasn't rude about it, unlike me.

"Jonathan, teach me how to be normal."


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