The Call..

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As soon as I finished editing I went to look for Alex. First I checked the living room. When I couldn't find her there I checked the bedroom we shared together, once again I couldn't find her. So I wandered to the kitchen, as I got to the door way I heard Alex talking on the phone in a hushed voice.

"Yea, I love you too babe. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'll be there by 7:00 okay? And I'll pick up the pizza. Okay, bye."

I softly ran to the living room so Alex didn't know I was spying on her. A minute later Alex walks in to the room.
"Hey babe I didn't realize you were done editing. Did you post it?"
"Yea I did but I don't feel well so I think I'm gonna go to bed now."
"Okay love. Do you need anything? Like soup or ginger ale?"
"No I'm just gonna go right to sleep. But I would like to be alone if that's okay."
"Yeah, definitely. I love you Johnnie."
"Love ya Alex."

As I laid my head on my pillow, tears started to roll down my cheeks. Thankfully, Alex didn't come in the bedroom. I just feel like my chest I'd going to explode. Alex was my first kiss,my very first love. The very first person I ever cared about, and she is cheating on me. How will I even look her in the eye tomorrow without crying?

I wonder how long I can keep quiet about knowing she's cheating on me. I have to confront her.

And tomorrow before she wakes up is when I will put my plan in action.

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