With Kyle's Help

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Kyle helped me find everything on my list, now we were walking up to the checkout counter.
"Hey Kyle thanks for your help man, would you like to come over for dinner?" I ask him.
"Yeah I can't go into your part of town. My mom doesn't like me over there. But thanks for the offer." He says.
"Yeah anytime." But before I could ask him why he isn't allowed in my part of town he leaves. Without saying goodbye.
I felt really offended actually. Although I just met Kyle I felt that I deserved him to say goodbye to me. When he didn't I felt disrespected. But what could I expect?

*at home*

When I get home Alex is still in the shower. This makes me suspicious because she was in the shower when I left. It took me at least an hour at the store. Therefore she should be done by now.
However, she wasn't. I didn't understand why it would take this long.

A couple minutes later she stepped out of the bathroom, completely dressed. And her hair was black!

"Alex! Oh my god!" I scream.
"What? Do you not like it?" She asks.
"I like it but, why?"
"I don't know I wanted a change of color. You know me I always change my hair." She says.

"I know but, BLACK!" I shout.

"Johnnie calm down. It's not that big of a deal." She whines.
"Alex promise me you won't decide on a color before consulting me? Because black is MY hair color"
"Sure babe, whatever."

"So I met this guy at the store who helped me shop." I say.
"Oh yeah? What's his name?" She asks.
"Um Kyle."

I notice that Alex tenses.

"You okay Alex?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I just got the chills. Do you want me to order you a pizza before I go?"
"Nahh I can manage. Anyway I'm going to my sister's house."
"Okay well tell Margaret I said hi. I love you, I'm leaving so I'll see you tomorrow."
"Okay baby, have fun and be safe! I love you."

I still wonder why Alex got so tense when I brought up Kyle. I guess I'll ask her when she gets home.

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