The Encounter..

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Alex wanted me to get a lot of stuff at the store. I don't go food shopping, Alex does. So I was surprised when she gave me such a long list. I don't even know where most of this stuff is located.
*The List*
-iced tea
-monster (green)
-chocolate ice cream
-vegetarian taco meat
-veggie burgers
-cake batter
-taco shells (soft)
-sour cream
-frosted flakes
-fruit loops
- chocolate syrup
-whip cream

I was having such a hard time finding these items. I hate shopping. Any type of it annoys my soul, and Alex knows that. She better not be taking all this time to get ready to go out with anyone. I really hope she is going to Aria's. If Alex is cheating on me there will be nothing left to live for. I'll have no happiness left in my life.

As I was lost in my thoughts I hit someone with my cart. At first glance I didn't see who it was. Then I got a better look and realized it was the penny board guy.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I rushed over to him.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Its just I lost control of my pennyboard. I'm sorry for running into you." He says.
"No I ran into you, and I'm very very sorry for that. What's your name by the way?
"The name's Kyle. Kyle David Hall. Yours?
"Hey Kyle, nice to meet you. I'm Johnnie."

I was suprised to see Kyle's face brighten up when I told him who I was.
"Oh my god! I'm in the presence of JOHNNIE GUILBERT!"
"Kyle. Kyle calm down before you draw a crowd."
"I'm sorry it's just that I've been watching your videos since before you were famous, and now you're dating one of my old best friends."

"Wait. Alex?" I ask.
"Yeah duhhh. Why who else are you dating Johnnie? Don't worry I'm just kidding. That'd be cwazy." He says.
"I have to ask you a question Kyle."
"Sure. Anything."
"Can you help me shop?"

Sorry for such a short chapter but that's where I want it to be left off right now. enjoy.

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